Chapter 17

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Everyone thank you so much for reading! I didn't know I would get so many views! Anyway back to the story...

Nico's POV:
In a nightmare: Mum and dad don't love each other anymore. They have split up. They are with other people. They don't care about me anymore. They leave me. All alone. NOOOOO!
*wakes up screaming* "Nico baby! Are you alright?" I sit up and look at my surroundings. I don't know if any of this is true. I feel a tear falling down my cheek. Slowly... But surely falling into my clothes. "Mummy!" I end up crying into her shoulder. "I had a horrible dream that you split up and left me all alone on the streets!" Mum looks at dad. Dad looks at mum. "Nooo! You can't split up! I won't let you!" "Listen Ni, sorry but we don't love each other anymore. You will still get to see me, but you'll be with your mum during the week then mine at the weekend." Dad says. "I see you've already organised this without asking me!" I shoot them a cold and hard stare. Mum shifts slightly. "What about Sophie?" I inquire. "She'll be doing the same... I guess." The room goes silent for a few minutes until I break it. "Who you with now then?" Mum and dad shift uncomfortably. "I'm with Lindsey..." I stare at him with tears coming down my cheeks uncontrollably. I didn't want to know who mum was with, but I HAD to know at the same time. "And I'm with... Ziggy." Mum smiles along with dad. THEY THINK THIS IS FUNNY?!?! That's it I can't stand it! I storm out the room and run and run until I end up back home. The doctors said I could come out just before mum and dad told me they had split up. Wait... Lindsey told us! Aaaahhhrrggggg! Mum and dad storm into the house, shouting my name frantically. I locked myself in the bathroom. This will probably be the last time we are in the house together. But they don't care about that. All they want is to make themselves happy. I sit in the same spot for one hour crying into my hands. When I finally stop, my clothes are soaking wet. I see a razor, lying on the cabinet. I almost do it, but I can't. I've decided what I'm going to do. I'm going to ignore mum and dad forever and ever. I can never forgive them. No wonder Lindsey broke up with Joe (yes Lindsey and Joe were together in this book because I can't stand Frindsey😷) and Ziggy broke up with Leela... I walk out of the bathroom and sprint into my bedroom. "Nico, sweetheart, come out! We need to talk to you." I ignore them and quickly get changed into a t-shirt and denim shorts. I switch on my radio and crank the volume all the way up. Steal My Girl by One Direction comes blaring out the radio. I remember when mum took me to my One Direction concert with Pez and Leela. That was a time when we were happy. I needed to speak to mum! I turn off the radio and walk out the room. "What?" I ask glaring at them both. "What do you want Sienna?" I couldn't call her mum. It was utterly impossible. She looked a little bit taken aback, but still spoke. "We are very sorry for breaking up, Nico, but we don't love each other anymore!" As soon as she had said the last bit I couldn't control myself. "YOU DON'T LOVE EACH OTHER ANYMORE?!?! WHAT ABOUT ME? YES YOUR DAUGHTER! OH WAIT DID YOU FORGET ABOUT ME? OH LOOK AT SOPHIE, NO-ONE CARES ABOUT NICO ALL SHE HAS IS A BRAIN TUMOUR!" I sat on the sofa getting angrier and angrier each time I shouted. Mum burst into tears and dad just sat there. Then we heard a knock on the door. I sat up and answered it. Leela was standing there. "What's with all the shouting?" She asked. "Oh, have you not heard? Mum's with Ziggy and dad's with Lindsey. And they don't care about me anymore! Can I go and see Pez?" Leela nods her head slowly and I walk into the Lomax house with Peri right at the door. "I... Um... Heard what happened." She mumbles slightly. "Yeah well, I'm running away!" She stares at me with tears running often her cheeks. "No Nico don't please don't leave me by myself!" Oh... I don't know anymore, should I run away?

Read the next chapter to see if Nico runs away! Xx

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