Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Against the cold wind, my dreams swept me up again.

Why? Why do I never meet their expectations?

Why- even if I try so hard...

Even if it almost killed me-

Did they not care?

So much that they would choose someone over me, again and again?

Why am I always not good enough? I screamed.

Just once! Once!

I saw shackles on my ankles as I tried to run away from the monster that was chasing me.

I was desperate.



Someone help me!

"-yu! Sayu! Wake up!" I heard a voice before my eyes cracked open in pain. "Sayu? Sayu, stay awake!"

I clutched onto whoever the voice belonged to, whimpering before feeling a familiar warmth around me. A fuzzy colour of brown entered my vision before feeling the icy coldness of my own breath. My head was pounding, really badly.

" I always not...good...enough?"

"Hah...ha..." A dry chortle came out with the remaining energy still in my body. It felt like a black hole in the darkness constantly sucking out my energy.

"" tears gathered at the corner of my eyes despite their strange dryness. I let out another trembling breath.

"Why am I always alone?"

I felt the person carrying me stiffen.

"I don't..." I trailed off as my eyes started to droop.

"Sayu? Sayu, we're almost there." The voice reassured me warmly.

"I don't want to be alone anymore..." I murmured before falling deeper into the abyss.

"I won't let you," I heard the male's voice growl out as if he was going to fight the whole world for my cause. "I will never let you go."

I woke up to a tired voice outside my room.

"-Why would you send Sayu out at night to find me?"

...Light's back?

"But Light, I was so worried for you- so was Sayu!" Mom's voice ran out behind my door.

"Sayu would have never done something so reckless, mom." I heard a sigh of exasperation from Light's tone. I could tell that Light was trying to hold back his words.

"Is it my fault that she chose to fall asleep in the park?!" My mom bit out.


"I was just so worried for you, Light!"

"Mom," I heard a long pause as Light's voice hardened. "Sayu is also your child."

"I'm sorry, it's just that, with your father gone- and then you disappeared-"


The voices fell silent.

"I- I'm really sorry, it was in the heat of the moment..." Her voice trailed out feebly.

" she okay?" She asked quietly.

Hah! Hypocrite to the max! I have never seen someone so hypocritical!

Scarlet Crimson [Light x Reincarnated OC]Where stories live. Discover now