Chapter 53

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Chapter 53

I was wheelchaired into the silent classroom by Chia.

Students stared with gaping jaws at my casted arm and leg along with the bandaged head that wrapped along with my left eye with temporary blindness caused by the dirt that the last test subject threw in my eye.

"What did you do-" one of my classmates wheezed for me as Chia pushed me into my usual seat. "Did you go to war or something?!"

My eyes blinked funnily at the girl.

"Actually, yes, I was battling with 8 people in a life and death situation. The last guy created what you're seeing right now."

She scoffed, turning her face back to her papers with a smile of amusement.

"Glad to see that your humour is still intact," she mumbled before the professor stepped inside the room. He was stunned after seeing his usual student sitting in the front row last week being all fine and dandy, now looking like they had just gotten into a car crash.

"I'm fine, Professor Lorcan! Fine and dandy!" I waved with my free hand before he nodded mutely, blinking and opening his files to begin class. Chia beside me forced back a polite chuckle before opening a recorder that I had asked her to bring as I stared boredly at the prof weaving and pointing his fingers at the screen to make a point. Besides me, Chia started typing on her mini laptop, inserting the recent information and statistics taken from the experiment two days ago.

My whole body ached as I leaned towards her and whispered that from now on, all members of the military shall train in their spare time on floor 4, and make all the adjustments I told her yesterday. She nodded.

Well, what better than to make your members see life as a game?

Months had passed without Light visiting me.

Not that I had to complain or anything. Being revealed to be part of the mafia had given me freedom from Light's grasp, even though I had to call him once per week as he stated. Light apparently was busy with the Death Note with Misa, and Misa herself was flying everywhere to get her photoshoots done. Sometimes flying back to Japan, sometimes going to France. She was definitely succeeding in her modelling career even though she had not reached the standards of height for western models.

I clapped as I thought of her success in her career. Definitely going to try out as a model in my next life. I've always wanted to become famous in a way then disappearing from the public eye to create enough drama that my life was made into a movie or something.

Light knew I was busy and so did I for him.

But somehow, that left an empty and hollow hole inside of me.

I sighed a bit before lifting my eyes away from the cafe table, thinking of our most recent interaction. To be honest, I was so emotionally snappy that I forgot that the kiss we shared was the first in the past few months. I licked my lips and remembered the softness of his before I blushed from my own thoughts.


This must have been what Light had experienced when we first started the game of cat and mouse with physical interaction.

I snickered before I heard a familiar yell of a girl.


Raising my eyes, I glanced at Aoiko who had a short tank top and white skirt and was skipping towards me like how she did years ago in high school.

"Aoiko!" I stood up from my seat as everyone in the cafe jerked their faces towards our table while we hugged each other with smiling faces. "It's been such a long time! How are you?"

Scarlet Crimson [Light x Reincarnated OC]Where stories live. Discover now