Chapter 41: Career Path

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Daryl's POV

"It's ok to sit down, Daryl," Deanna says.

"Yeah, I'm a'ight," I mumble as I look around the room, adjusting the possum in my hand.

The smell of citrus still surrounds me, but I find that I'm sort of ok with it. It reminds me of Hope, who I know is waiting for me outside, waiting for her turn.

"Daryl, do you want to be here?" Deanna asks.

I nod. "We got a boy and a baby. They deserve a roof...I guess."

"And what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Where do you think you fit in with the group?"

I shrug. "I dunno. I'm a hunter, there's that. I catch food for everyone."

"Anything else? Jobs before now?"

I swallow the lump in my throat, thinking of Beth and Zach. I shake my head.

"And what about Hope? Who is she to you? Girlfriend? Wife?


"Don't you want this for her?"

"She's got a baby on the way, so yeah. I want her to be safe more than anythin'."

Her face changes. "She's pregnant?"

"Four or five weeks along by now."

She nods, letting out a small chuckle. "You should've mentioned that sooner."

"It never came up."

She presses her lips together in a tight smile. "Ah. I see."

I nod, swinging the dead possum a little.

Hope's POV

Daryl emerges from the house, his face wiped clear of emotion. I stand up, smiling lightly.

"How'd it go?"

"Eh," he mumbles. "Have fun."

"I plan to." I smirk.

He smiles lightly and gives me a kiss. I head into the house, going into the room where the woman named Deanna waits.

"Afternoon, Mrs Dixon," she says politely.

"Afternoon," I respond.

She gestures to the seat in front of her. "Please, sit."

"Thank you."

"It's alright if I record this, right?" she asks. I nod. "So, Hope, I just finished speaking with your husband. He tells me that you're pregnant?"

"That is true," I confirm, leaning back a bit.

"How long have you been married?"

I smile lightly. "I'm not sure...a month or two, I think. Maybe three."

A look of surprise crosses her face. "So, you got married during this whole thing?"

I nod. "We've been together since near the start though." I tilt my head a little. "I don't think the status of my marriage is important to you, however."

She smiles. "Everything is important." She taps her fingers on her knee. "What were you before this? Occupation-wise."

I fiddle with one of my curls. "I was a vet student in Canada...I spent five years in school. I left to..." I stop, letting out a short laugh. "I left school to chase a silly dream."

"What dream was that?"

I laugh softly again. "I...I wanted to be an actress. I thought I'd move on from Atlanta once I had more money, but it never happened. I realize the absurdity of it now..."

"Why is that?"

"Being doesn't matter. It never mattered. All I need is a home where I can rest my head at night, my husband beside me, and my family nearby. I don't need money or fame to be happy."

"You never had a real job then? You were just a student?"

"I worked as a waitress and a department store employee...but yes, I was nobody. Just a face in the crowd."

"You aren't that now. I can tell."

"No. Not at all. Now...I'm a Cherokee rose."

"A rose?"

"Yes. It's a symbol of sorts," I say.

"And your group? How'd you find them?"

"They found me, actually. I was mistaken for a walker, got smacked pretty hard. They didn't want to leave me alone, so I chose to trust them." I smile lightly. "I don't know how it happened after that, I just kind of slipped into the group and they let me stay."

"You must have some ranking within your family."

"I'm the medical girl...and their radio. I sing sometimes when we need to hear music..."

"You worked as their nurse?"

"Yes. We once had another medical man...he taught me a lot." I let out a long breath, sending a silent "thank you" to Hershel. "I'm a part of a family; Rick's family, and soon to be-" I stop to place a hand on my stomach. "-Daryl and my own little family."

"I see." She nods. "Where do you think you'll fit in?"

"Wherever I'm needed. I just need to know that I'm helping people."

She smiles thoughtfully. "I have just the job for you."


"You have vet training. We've got pets here, but if you'd like, I want you to be our nurse for us humans too."

I smile. "Sounds good."

"I'll have Aaron introduce you to Doctor Elliot. He'll show you the ropes." She leans forwards a little. "We can give you an exam, for your baby."

"I'd appreciate that, Miss."

"Thank you for speaking with me."


I rise, giving her hand a shake before leaving the house and heading back to where our group is setting up.

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