Chapter 11: Church Plans

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We keep following Gabriel, and a small church appears ahead of us. As we reach the front steps, Gabriel goes to unlock the door.

"Hold up," Rick says. "You mind if we take a look around first? We'd like to hold on to our squirrels."

Gabriel obliges, handing over the keys. Rick unlocks the door, and a few of us head inside to scope out the place.

I look around at everything, my attention falling onto the children's drawings lining the walls and the stock pile of canned food behind the altar.

After the sweep, Rick whistles and we head back outside, where he hands the keys back to their owner.

"I've spent months in here without stepping foot outside the door. If someone was in there...well, that'd be surprising," Gabriel says.

"Thanks for this," Carl says, giving the pastor a small smile.

"We found a short bus out back," Abraham says. "It don't run, but I bet we could fix that in less than a day or two. Father here says he doesn't want it. Looks like we found ourselves some transport." There's a pause, and he just stares at Rick. "You understand what's at stake here, right?"

"Yes, I do," Rick answers.

"Now that we can take a breath-" Michonne starts.

"We take a breath, we slow down, shit inevitably goes down," Abraham argues.

"We need supplies no matter what we do next," I add, crossing my arms.

"That's right," Rick agrees. "Water, food, ammunition."

"Short bus ain't going nowhere," Daryl says as I move to his side. "Bring you back some baked beans."

We head inside, and everyone else trickles in, examining our temporary shelter.

"How'd you survive here for so long? Where did your supplies come from?" I ask, my curiosity growing.

"Luck. Our annual canned food drive. Things fell apart right after we finished it," Gabriel answers, shrugging. "It was just me. The food lasted a long time. And then I started scavenging. I've cleaned out every place nearby. Except for one."

"What kept you from it?" Rick asks.

"It's overrun."

"How many?"

"A dozen or so. Maybe more?"

"We can handle a dozen."

"Bob and I will go with you," Sasha says, going to stand beside Rick. "Tyreese should stay here, help keep Judith safe."

"That'll be okay?" Rick asks him.

"Sure. You ever need me to watch her, need anything for her, I'm right here," Tyreese says, smiling sheepishly.

I laugh to myself. He looks like a cuddly teddy-bear right now. Daryl glances down at me, noticing my hidden smirk, and his fingers play with the hem of my shirt from where his arm stays around my waist. He gives me a small smile.

"I'm grateful for it," Rick says. "And everything else."

"I'll draw you a map," Gabriel says, moving towards one of the cluttered tables.

"You don't need to. You're coming with us," Rick says.

"I'm not gonna be of any help. You saw me. I'm no good around those things." He gulps, sweating again.

"You're coming with us," Rick repeats.

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