Chapter 22: Rejoicing

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Daryl has held me many times; too numerous to count. Whether it be a simple hug, a comforting motion, an act of apology, or anything of that sort, there have been many instances where Daryl's strong and well-built arms have surrounded me.

He's never held me like this before, ever. He walks with a new sense of purpose, and he won't stop smiling as he keeps gazing down at me and my stomach, where the signs of a child haven't yet begun to show.

"So, what are we doing about rescuing Carol and Beth?" I ask.

"Rick's organizin' a group, and we're gonna head back down to Atlanta and get rid of those assholes in that hospital," he says.

Rick rounds a corner, followed by Tyreese, Sasha, and Noah. He motions to us, and we head towards him.

"You two are in for the rescue mission?" he asks.

"Hell yeah," Daryl says.

"Definitely." I smile.

For a split second, Daryl's face falters, and he looks down at me again.

"Angel...I...I'm not sure I want you goin' anymore," he whispers.

I frown, and Rick raises an eyebrow, his face utterly confused.

"Can you give us a second?" I ask, grasping Daryl's bicep and pulling him away before I can get an answer.

"Babe, don't be mad ok?" He touches my arm softly.

"I literally just told you that I am pregnant and you're already acting like I'm helpless," I say, crossing my arms.

"I know you did. What if somethin' happens to you? You're barely on your feet," he says pleadingly.

"I can't let you go out there and risk your life," I say. "At least, not unless I'm there with you."

"What if you die?"

"What if you die?"

"We can't lose our baby!"

"Our baby can't lose his or her father!"

We fall silent, realizing how loud our voices had become. I take a deep breath, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"We either both go, or we both stay. If we're going to risk our lives, we're doing it together," I whisper.

Daryl nods and presses a kiss to my lips, his fingers brushing across my cheek as he pulls away.

"We've gotta tell Rick then. He's gotta know that you're as much of a priority as Beth and Carol."

"Ok, we'll tell him."

"Also, if we're goin' to a hospital, we might be able to grab the right meds for the baby. Maybe a test too...just to make sure."

I lean into him, hugging him tightly. He returns it, kissing the top of my head.



He looks up, smiling at us. Daryl's hand trembles in mine, and I squeeze it reassuringly.

"We've got some news," Daryl says.

"Really? About what?" Rick asks.

Daryl meets my eyes for a fleeting second, and I take a deep breath.

"Judith won't be the only kid around here in nine months," I say, biting my lip.

It takes a moment, and I watch Rick's face change as he takes in what I've just said. He opens his mouth, then closes it, repeating this action a few times as he tries to find the words.

"You're..." he starts.

Daryl grins and nods. Rick smiles widely and scoops me into a tight hug. I return it, and he sets me down gently.

"I can''re gonna be a mom," he says, his voice amazed.

"What?" We turn to see Carl near the entrance of the church, Judith in his arms and his mouth hanging open. "Hope?"

"She's pregnant!" Rick exclaims, his voice almost as excited as Daryl's first was.

I feel a surge of warmth spread through my body. I haven't seen Rick or Carl this happy in forever, and it's wonderful to see again.

"Woah..." He blinks a few times, his face pensive. "Daryl's kid?"

"Damn right that's my kid," Daryl says, placing a quick kiss on my cheek.

Carl heads down the steps, passing Judith to his dad as he hugs me. I ruffle his hair, and he pulls away.

"You'll be a great mom, I know it," he assures me.

"Rick, she still wants to come on the run," Daryl starts.

"Alright, but we'll make sure she's high on the protected list," Rick says immediately. "If we can, we could get some meds from the hospital to help out."

"That's exactly what we were hoping you'd say." I smirk.

"If you'd like, I can tell everyone else," he offers, bouncing Judith lightly.

"Sure. We'll be out here," Daryl says.

Rick and Carl head inside with Judith. We wait with baited breath, and I hear a few joyful noises emanate to the outside world.

Everyone rushes outside, congratulating us and giving us huge hugs. Daryl never leaves my side, and everyone calms down.

"Alright everyone, we've got work to do!" Rick calls.

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