Chapter 10: Outbreak

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I look up from the register, where my co-worker, Lucy, stands, a sneer on her face.

"Mr. Stevens wants you to lock up. He has to leave, and my shift is over," she says, fixing her blonde ponytail. She gives me a dirty look.

"Yeah, I can do that." I say.

Lucy and I weren't on good terms. Mr. Stevens thought I was a model worker, and I had gotten a promotion that she had wanted. She was my age, but her mind was still sixteen in my opinion.

"Good, cause I sure as hell wasn't going to," she says, grabbing her stuff and leaving.

I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. These last three years have been tiresome, to say the least, with rent, groceries, and trying to save money for my big trip. I was already working two jobs, barely getting enough sleep. I hadn't bothered getting a car. My two jobs and the grocery store were close, and besides, I wouldn't have any extra gas money.

I stick around until closing, and until then, I tidy things up. As I walk past the jewelry counter, I see a mermaid necklace. I had always liked that one, but I didn't have any extra money for things like that nowadays. Besides, I didn't need it.

I grab the keys, locking up before heading home.

I sigh, putting the keys in my pocket.

"Looks like I'm opening the store tomorrow," I mumble to myself. I had gotten into a bad habit of talking to myself. I'm the only person who would listen.

When I get home, I make myself a late night snack and flop on the couch, watching the news simply because it was what was on when I turned the on the tv.

The next thing I know, I'm asleep.


Morning comes, and I sit up, rubbing my eyes. My dirty plate sits on the floor, and the tv is still on. I check the clock, seeing that it's five o'clock in the morning.

I yawn and get up, placing the plate in the sink and getting dressed after turning off the tv.

Black polo shirt, jeans, and boots. We don't have a uniform at work, and my name tag is in my work locker.

I head into the kitchen, and I eat a bowl of cereal, half asleep, before washing the dish and putting it away.

I lock up my house, heading down the stairs and walking outside.

It's eerily quiet, only a few cars are on the road.

I look around, and my eyes fall on a man near me. He's bent over the bloody body of a woman, gnawing on her arm. The man looks up at me, his eyes grey and lifeless. He makes a growling sound and stands up, leaving the half eaten, bloody body of the woman behind him.

I back away, scared.

"Sir? Are you ok?" I ask. I get no answer.

The man breaks into a lopsided jog, moaning and lunging towards me. He grabs for me, and I kick him hard in the shin. His leg snaps, but his face registers no pain, he just falls over. He groans and reaches towards me from the ground. I gasp, wanting to apologize. He moans from the ground, pulling himself towards me with his hands.

I turn and start sprinting down the road. I see more of those people, with the same lifeless eyes and the same noises.

I see the department store ahead of me, and keep sprinting towards it.

"Maybe it's drugs or alcohol or something...they're acting weird..."

More cars are starting to head onto the road, and a few panicked cries can be heard.

I hear more groans, and I look behind me. More of the strange people are there, walking into the road and banging against car windows while the people inside scream.

I reach the store, fumbling with the keys in my sweaty hands. I unlock it, throwing myself inside.

I fall against the door, breathing hard. The store looks like how I left it, with some clothes left in piles. The keys fall from my grasp, clattering to the floor.

"Lucy? Mr. Stevens? Anyone?" I call. No answer.

I walk to Mr. Stevens' office, where the door is slightly ajar. I push it open gingerly.

No one is inside, and a tv in the corner of the office shows the news channel. I remember Mr. S say that he liked having the news on all the time, just so he was caught up on everything that was happening.

This time, the news actually grabs my attention.

"A strange strain of what is believed to be a rabies virus has hit a large amount of people in the area. After a report of a man biting and killing another man, the CDC has requested that all citizens in Atlanta and the surrounding areas are to evacuate immediately. You are asked to stay away from any infected persons."

The screen cuts to a video of two men in a fight. The camera is shaky, like someone was taking it with their cellphone. One man groans while the other screams and fights. The first lunges forwards and bites into the second's neck, causing blood to fly everywhere. The person behind the camera says something that sounds like "Oh shit" and the feed cuts off.

I leave the office, looking around, trying to get my thoughts together.

Whatever this is, it isn't rabies.

If anything, the infected people were acting like...monsters.




My hand flies to my mouth and I close my eyes, my chest still heaving. This isn't happening. This can't be real. This just...can't...

More honks sound from outside and I peer out the see-through glass of the door. More cars have piled onto the road, police cars directing people out of the city. More of the undead walk amongst the cars or feed off stragglers.

I gag, threatening to lose my breakfast. I scoop up the keys on the floor and lock the door.

I could leave...right now. I would still have a chance. Maybe... I think.

I back away, sinking down into a chair. I place my head in my hands and try to block out the screams and car engines from outside as everyone leaves me behind.

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