Chapter 27: You're Gonna Miss Me

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We head up to the roof, watching for the cop cars that we know will be coming any minute now. Rick is already down by the road, waiting.

Sasha and Tyreese discuss quietly while we wait. Shepherd keeps looking towards Daryl and I, her expression hard to read.

"You're really pregnant?" she asks finally.

I look up at her, nodding slowly. I feel Daryl's hand tense from its spot on my waist, and I stroke his leg soothingly.

"I found out a day or two ago," I say.

She bites her lip, shifting a little on her knees. "I had a sister, before this. She was pregnant, but she lost it." She smiles sadly. "I hope that isn't your experience."

Daryl looks down at me, giving my forehead a soft kiss as I thank her softly.

"Once we get 'em back, I'd like you and Beth to sing a duet again," he whispers.

I smile in response. He gets up and moves to the edge of the building with Sasha, pulling out his rifle and holding it up, waiting with his arms taut, his breaths slow and concentrated.

I lean back, placing my hand on my stomach. It still seems surreal, for me to be pregnant. I didn't think it would happen, especially since the world ended and such. Having a child is a good thing, and nothing good seemed to come out of the end of humanity's reign over the planet.

Of course, I didn't expect to fall in love with a redneck either.

Daryl snaps his fingers, and we perk up. Noah hands Tyreese a radio.

"They're headed towards the vantage point," he reports.

We hear the radio static hissing before Rick's grainy voice fights through. "Okay. Copy that."

I get up and head to the wall, watching as the car stops in front of Rick. We're too far away to hear the words, but we all know he's telling these two officers about Shepherd and Licari, and how we'll exchange them for Carol, Beth, and some medical stuff for me and my unborn baby.

I raise my rifle, peering through it, one of the cop's head in the crosshairs of the scope. I lower it again once I get a look at their expressions. It must be going okay.

After a little bit, Rick backs away and the cops climb into the car, not driving away yet. Even later after that, the radio hisses.

"Come on down. Trade is go," Rick says, his voice crackling over the static.

"Copy that," Tyreese says.

Daryl and Sasha lower their rifles and we help the officers to their feet as we head down to the ground.

I cross my fingers, praying silently. Let's hope this goes well.


We climb up the stairs at Grady Memorial Hospital, leading Licari and Shepherd as we go. We get to a hallway that's blocked off with a set of doors. Through the tiny windows we can see a gathering of other cops, a doctor, and some wards.

"Holster your weapons," a feminine voice says through our radio.

"You too," Rick says.

We all shoulder and holster what weapons we have and shove the doors open, coming face to face with our two missing group members and the woman who kept them here. The two cops go back to their people, and we stay.

Dawn looks like how I imagined she would. Her sleek black hair is pulled back in a low bun and her blue grey eyes look fierce, although sort of demanding and scary all at the same time. I'm taller then her by about three inches, so I don't feel very intimidated.

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