Chapter 12

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Chu Yu is so happy!

This is really a **** value! ! Surrounded by a group of hot little guys, what is the feeling? ! His heart is beautiful!

I didn't expect him to go so badly!

I want to think about it, but the one he showed is still very shameful.

The host actually deliberately smokes such an audience, Asian, male, or looking shy, such an audience can give an interesting response.

Chu Yu Qing Xiu Bai Jing, cheeks red, but the mouth is still clear, more fluent in English to answer questions.

The host asked him to make a small game, using his mouth to wear the gestation-pregnancy-set on the banana, the banana of the real banana and fruit.

Under the stage, there is a buzzing sound. Can this Asian man who looks like the wrong place do it?

蔺Flame really, the face is **** green!

Others estimate that Chu is so shy, but he can't be more excited when he comes out.

Yan Yanchen wanted to go down to the stage to pull down Chu, but the people were too crowded, and they looked at Chu’s nod, took over the props, and the flames saw him tearing the bag away or using his teeth. Biting!

Chu Yu was about to bend down, and Yan Chenchen finally climbed onto the stage. The following is noisy, Chu Yu did not pay attention to the back, Yan Yanchen saw his back of the head, and reached out and grabbed the collar of Chu, and took people out of those little guys.

The wind is general, and the people ran away, a stunned.

The strength of the flames is too great, and Chu can not break away.

Chu Yu was dragged all the way to the street.

Chu Yu is still in the middle of his heart, opening his hand: "What are you doing? I have played well, I have not taken a photo!"

Yan Yanchen is still discouraged and asked: "What kind of photo?"

Chu squatted on his wrist and blurted his face with a sigh of relief: "You can take pictures on their laps."

蔺 尘 尘 极 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Find someone else!"

Chu said to him: "How do you say this?"

Yan Yanchen is really over-the-top, and Chu Yutou’s return to see Xiaoyan’s anger is really novel. He feels that Xiaoyan’s young age is always calm and unpredictable, and he did not expect to be mad.

Like a real boyfriend, I was wearing a green hat and eating vinegar.

Chu Yu was inexplicably guilty, and was dragged back to the hotel by Yan Yanchen. He praised him: "You are like jealous, so dedicated?? Unfortunately, my photo."

Poke on the blast of the flames: "Photos? Do you still want to take a photo? Just want to take photos with those ugly men? Isn't it that I am handsome?"

Chu Yu was stunned.

Fortunately, he is not angry... but there is still some beauty.

Before he died, he could still enjoy a little handsome guy who was jealous for him!

Chu Yu can't smile: "If I say that he is handsome, do you want to strike immediately?"

蔺 斩 斩 : : : : :: "Yes!"

Ming Ming 蔺 flame dust is very angry, but Chu Hao is very eager to laugh, sneer, and rush to Xiao Xiao Shun Mao: "Well, well, you are handsome, I just think it is fun, nothing else. I only like Xiaoyan. Ok, don't be angry, sorry."

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