Chapter 105

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After returning from foreign travel, Mr. Chu learned that during their absence, their baby grandson and grandson were also photographed by the director to shoot milk powder advertisements.

Teacher Chu and Rong Rong are very happy and will appear on TV!

Grandma joked and said, "Yeah, we want to be a little star."

I saw Grandma so happy, holding her grandmother and laughing.

Teacher Chu is particularly excited and walks around: "Sure a lot of people praise and cute!"

However, after the advertisement was officially broadcast, there was no such reaction as Chu’s thought.

The whole family watched the advertisement first, recorded it, saved it, and it was a precious memory in the childhood. When Mr. Chu went to the supermarket, he also saw a huge publicity poster. He took some photos, but looked around and no one stopped to appreciate the cuteness of the cockroach. He was quite angry and didn’t see the cute poster. Children!

Teacher Chu asked Chu Wei: "How was he selected?"

Chu Yu said: "When you are not there, Zhan Hong Yu came over to help bring the children. He made a small video in his circle of friends. The director felt that the meal was particularly fragrant, and the appearance was still very good. I contacted us. I started. Disagree, Xiao Yan said."

Teacher Chu shot the thigh: "Yes, oh, it’s fragrant. I took a lot of photos with your mother, and she saved a box of sd cards.

As a painter, although she is not known, Ms. Lin has been studying art for a long time. She even used ps. She didn’t have these computer software before. She used film to take pictures. I have a lot of photos when I was a child. This photo album. When I was young, I loved to play. If I was a big boy this year, she was not an elder who was turning around her children. Probably because of this, Chu Wei didn’t think that her mother loved her so much. Now think about her is really a pretty lady.

Chu said casually: "You have taken so many photos?"

Speaking of this, Ms. Lin is somewhat lonely: "I and Chu have washed some of the good shots, you have not seen it, a big photo album, your two relatives are not careless than us. Not that I said You, you used to write a baby diary every day, and you don’t write it now."

Chu blushes, people are lazy, he is lazy for a day, I think that it is quite a lot of records every four or five times a week, continue to be lazy, but also think once a week is not bad, too often do not see the changes of children ... but Did he remember this week? Can not remember.

Chu Yu said: "When I was young, did you write?"

His mother squatted and laughed: "Never write, hahahaha."

Chu Wei: "..."

Teacher Chu is boring at home with children. He learns to take it better after walking. He has nothing to do but to change his life every day. There is nothing to do, and he doesn’t like his wife’s hobby of drawing, a painting. Draw a few months, especially to pass the time.

Teacher Chu was so flustered that he only had a hobby to cook and opened an account on a social networking site.

He honestly puts his daily recipes on, and some of them are his own innovative inventions. Each recipe must be accompanied by a photo that the grandson is particularly satisfied after eating.

Also be a life record.

My companion knows that I feel good in the future, and I also contribute to the photos of my good-looking photos, so that he can send them online.

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