Chapter 5

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Heaven wants to make people die, and it must first make people crazy.

Chu Yu feels that he must be crazy first, so he is willing to die.

He washes and changes his clothes, and he sees himself in the mirror, radiant, and the death is coming, but it seems to be reborn.

Last night was indeed a human bliss. Chu Yu’s life came and went so many people, and I have never seen a cute boy like Xiao Xiao. It’s a good lover, young and handsome, humorous, and talking with him. It makes people feel happy.

Chu Yu knows that he is not fascinated by this boy all at once. It is true that the small scorpion-living is good and the business level is excellent, but what really fascinates him is the life he had longed for but did not dare to try. The contempt of the rules and regulations.

Chu Hao went out in a hurry, with old clothes, all shirt suits, buttons buttoned to the top of the neckline, tied with a tie.

Chu Yu wears this and wears glasses, which seems to be high abstinence.

Yan Yanchen also changed his clothes and clothes. Just now he called the assistant to send him over. The assistant found this room and thought it was his own wrong room number - Chu Yu thought it was room service. He is still dressed as a young man, jeans, black t-shirt is a comic print, leather, leather gloves.

Yan Yanchen sat on the edge of the bed, like a golden retriever dog, and asked with enthusiasm: "Where are we going?"

Chu Xiaoran, asked him: "Hey... Do you have a senior tour service?" Xiao Yan is a professional and should play better than him.

Chu Yu gave Xiao Xiao a card and slammed Fang Fangdao: "There are 500,000 here. You can arrange it, let me have fun, and your expenses are rounded up by me."

Who would have thought that he used to be a person who could save a few cents and wait until the supermarket to buy food after 8 o'clock?

Yan Yanchen looked at the card he had handed over and picked up his eyebrows before picking it up. He asked, "You trust me like this, don't be afraid that I will run away?"

Chu Yu fearlessly thought that he would die, not worse than this. He smiled and said nothing, "I am not afraid, I have left 200,000. I want to play skydiving. Do you know where you can play?"

He just wants to be desperately mad before he dies!

Yan Yanchen laughed and pulled up Chu’s hand and said with a sigh: "Well, I know where I can play, I will take you there."

When they checked out, Chu Hao originally wanted to drive, saw Yan Yanchen holding a handsome helmet, and suddenly curious: "Are you riding a motorcycle?"

蔺 flame dust dagger: "Yes.

It's fun! Chu Hao has never been riding a motorcycle, afraid of danger, but now he is eager to try: "Take me to see."

Then I saw the motorcycle of Yan Yanchen. Chu Yu didn't know much about the motorcycle, but I liked it at a glance. This motorcycle of Yan Chenchen can be seen as a good car even if it is not known. The style of the book, silver, blue and black, the lines are smooth, the locomotive is the romance of men! ! Chu Yan eyes are bright.

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Yan Yanchen saw his eyes sparkling and staring at himself, and vanity suddenly swelled to the top. He was not looked at by others with his admiring eyes, but only Chu Yu made him feel different.

Chu Hao asked him excitedly: "Can I touch it?"

Yan Yanchen said with a smile: "I can also touch it casually."

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