Chapter 37

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Chu Dad is finally willing to let Chu Hao enter the door.

This time, Chu Yu was not willing to go home, and was dragged home by his father.

Chu mother followed the anxiously: "What is going on here? Don't make a noise. Don't yell at your son, sit down and talk."

Chu’s father is very anxious: “I don’t marry him. I don’t mean to marry him?”

Chu father put him in the chair, the documents brought by Chu Yu were placed on the table, what house car was thrown aside, the documents in the hospital were important, he was anxious: "You, you said well, What are you sick with? How are you going to die, you are clear."

He was anxious to talk and stuttered: "I don't understand, what does this mean by doctors and doctors? Is there something that you shouldn't have grown in your stomach?"

Chu Yu said awkwardly: "If you can understand you, you can go to be a doctor. Of course you can't understand."

Chu’s father is very angry: “You’re a bad kid, don’t be angry with me on this one? I don’t understand, I want you to explain.”

Chu Yan felt sore and tears were coming out. He kept breathing deeply, suppressed the urge to cry, and said a medical term and sentence that Chu Dad still could not understand: "... Anyway, the doctor can live up to three or four. Month."

Chu’s father said: “Is there no way to cure it?”

Chu Yu: "If you are not cured, it will be called a terminal illness. At most, you will delay your illness and live for a few more months."

Both Dad and Mom were shocked by this sudden loss of anger. Dad sat down in a slap in the face, as if he was scared and lost his soul. After a while, he finally calmed down: "You... have you seen several hospitals?" Will it be wrong?"

Chu Yu reported to the hospital's name: "It is a regular hospital, I checked twice, looking for experts, there will be no mistakes."

Chu Yu took the tears back and whispered, "Dad, Mom, you don't have to do this. Anyway, people will die sooner or later. My legacy is all here. I will give it to you. You will live well."

Chu father said, "No, only two hospitals, I know an uncle named Zheng, my former student, do you remember? He is also the dean of the big hospital in X City, I will ask you Where is the best treatment of this disease, maybe the hospital you are visiting is not good at treating this disease, many hospitals are very good at the department that they are good at, and look at other diseases. We can see more hospitals, can't wait to die. ”

Chu Hao shook his head: "I don't want to watch, I don't want to be so painful, I don't want to treat. And, I have no money, I have spent all my deposits."

Chu’s father burst into tears and couldn’t help himself. He grabbed his arm tightly: “You have no money, I have it, you ask me, I will give it to you.”

Chu Hao suddenly could not help, followed by Dad, the lacrimal gland was opened: "very expensive, is burning money, you are a poor teacher, but also help the student all day, my uncle and aunt also lean on you Give money, your savings and pensions are a fart! Even if I sell a house car, it is not enough."

Chu father did not hesitate, almost yelling out: "You don't worry about this! I sold your house with your mother, I went to borrow money, to ask for help, that is, the iron is sold!"

Chu Wei slightly moved, but still shaking his head: "It doesn't make sense, Dad, don't rule. Don't lose money when you get there. I am dead. You have no money and still owe debts. Nothing is good. It is better to keep money. Give you a good old age, and be comfortable. If you feel sad, you should adopt a child again. Don't... Don't like me, always make you angry."

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