Extra 1

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Chu Yu and Yan Yanchen are not short of money, and they have not come to the spotlight. They never thought about cultivating children as child stars.

But I took a movie.

He was two and a half years old.

The reason is naturally his cognac exhibition.

It is said that when Hong Yu won the first trophy of the film, he was only twenty-six years old. He was a man who was so sullen. He didn’t pick up the bad film for the quick money. After the prize, he chose the script more strictly. .

At that time, I received a script adapted from an online literature. He didn't pay much attention to it at first, but because the team was good, the director was an old director who had cooperated. After reading the script, he felt good. It was a qualified commercial film. You can take a picture.

He was rigorous, and went to study the original, bought a book, and went to Jinjiang, the website originally published by the novel.

It opened the new world at once.

The topic is far away... There is a small role in this script that the film actor has received. The protagonist’s son has no drama, no acting skills, and is just holding out. It’s true that the age of this small character is right. On the other hand, when he read the script, he immediately thought of it.

Exhibition Hong Yu went to ask Yan Yanchen, do you want to let the guests come down.

It’s not that I want to make a debut, but it’s also fun to have a movie when I was a child.

Yan Yanchen feels interesting.

So he was hugged for a long time, and the main character setting was also very cute. He played the young little prince, put on a wig, a small golden crown on his head, and dressed in a golden costume with a round neck. He was so jade and even makeup. No need to use, lips are red and bright, apply a little lip balm to get it.

The inside of the lens was tender and white, and it went to the protagonist. The milk said, "Father."

Was picked up.

Then the director called "cut".

It’s finished.

that is all.

This is the whole experience of Chu Yu’s children as a small actor.

He didn't remember it when he grew up, but Dad also showed him the movie and told him that he had filmed when he was a child. It's amazing.

Because the shape is really cute, Yan Yanchen took the sputum and took a group of photos.

There aren't many lenses, but the only ones that were later widely circulated on the Internet, without him, just because they are beautiful. The little prince who is too young and beautiful is set up, but the video of the costume drama of the costume drama must be used. From time to time, there are people who open posts in various forums to blow the cuteness of this little actor. After growing up, they must be a beautiful person. Unfortunately, why did he not enter the entertainment circle? Only a few people know the reason, the son of Yan Chenchen, he is not interested in himself, how can he enter the entertainment circle?

After the filming, it took another half a year.

He is three years old.

It is time to go to kindergarten.

Can't drag it.

Chu Yu reluctantly, he felt that he was shorter and thinner than his peers, and his reaction was slow. He was a little silly. He only knew how to smile with him.

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