Extra : Happy End

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In the hot summer, today's bright sun, at 12:30 in the afternoon, the outside is hot like a stove.

The reporters had to wait for the long-gun-short gun to wait at the door of the assembly and block the entrance.

The security guard asked strangely: "What is going on here? I also played games before, and I have not seen so many people."

Sitting in the chair with his own, holding a small fan in the fan of the reporter turned his head: "You did not watch the game table? Today, Chu Yu wants to play."

The security guard knows nothing about Go, but I have heard of this name vaguely. I can’t think of it for a moment: "Who is Chu?"

Who is Chu?

Chu Yu is one of the top players in China today. The 17-year-old nine-segment, this time the National Go Contest, currently ranks more than a dozen in the world Go players, if he can get the first place in this game, the total points It can be reached in the top five, and the first impact is not impossible.

This is not the key to his high profile.

When he was in elementary school, he became a household name because of a variety of art. Although he did not develop into the entertainment industry, he caught the attention of the media and kept tracking him. He is a tens of millions of luxury cars, he is a famous school, he has a good family history, and his performance is excellent. The most important thing is that he looks beautiful. He said that he is the youngest player in this generation. The best looks are modest, his face. The beauty is placed in the entertainment circle of this generation of people who rely on the face to eat. In these years, he has media coverage reports in every game, and the ratings of live TV broadcasts are very impressive.

The Go Circle is also going to make money.

Chu Yu can not be said to be the best chess player in China, but it is said that the player with the strongest domestic gold absorption ability is absolutely unsurpassed.

He has a lot of fans.

When he was still in elementary school, because the news media reported that he learned the chess to win the game, many parents sent the children to learn to play chess. At that time, Chu went to a new chess game, which originally caused many industries. The pain of life is so horrible, such a good seedling actually went to such a chess game, which is not known to be cheating money, and did not know what his parents thought. I didn't expect this chess club to get bigger and bigger. I have sincerely invited many first-class professional players to sit in the town. The venue construction and various activities are top-notch. Some people have counted their expenses, let alone profit, and they have to break into it every year. A huge sum of money, I don’t know what capital is behind the support of this chess club. After so many years of operation, it is one of the best chess clubs in China. There are chains in large, medium and small cities across the country.

In the past few years, the world of chess has returned to the spring. Every year, a large number of chess players have learned to play chess. There are many strong young players. There are several sponsors in the competition. Go magazines are better than before. Especially the magazines with the appearance of Chu If you can capture a particularly good-looking photo to make a cover, and then send a custom poster, the number of other times of the other three times can still be sold out of stock.

Suddenly someone said: "Come, come, Chu is coming!"

The people who had been sunburned all were excited and excited. They stood up and stood up. They saw two luxury cars approaching. The first bodyguards stopped first, and the four tall and strong bodyguards came down and wanted to surround them. The reporters all frightened back, the Rolls Royce behind stopped, the driver got off the bus, took the umbrella, and opened the door in the back seat.

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