Chapter 104

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啾啾 was taken to the camera by the staff, placed in a studio on a soft white blanket.

It didn't take long for me to sit down, suddenly wrinkled my face and sneezed. This sneeze was a bit powerful. He leaned back and was shaken by this little sneeze.

Then I climbed up and sat up again. I didn’t react to it for a while. I stayed for a while, only after I had something interesting, I laughed and laughed.

The whole studio people laughed, and the little baby had a good temper at first glance.

He thought, this little baby is really blessed. Look, when he comes, the company that looks for him to advertise will come to give him a budget, and promises that if he shoots well, he will give bonuses in addition to the reward. Although he doesn't know what to smoke, does he say that he doesn't need it? No amount of money is extra.

Yan Yanchen is looking at you and talking to Chu Yu next to him.

Suddenly, a man with a plain, thin and short appearance came out, and he did not look at it. He asked him just right: "It’s a little tired to take this belt. You can put it on the table. I will take it for you."

It’s so smart that I want to watch the advertisements here, I don’t want to go over, I’m thankful.

The other party also said to Chu Yu: "This gentleman, do you have something to put? Don't worry, there will be no one to take it."

Chu Yu took out some things that might be used, pacifiers, sugar balls, puppy puppets, and the rest were handed over to the staff for temporary storage.

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Chu Yumao: "This time it is not you talking about it. He is really good at today. He is not afraid of the camera. I was worried about whether he would be scared and crying..."

Said, he looked over, don't say scared to cry, this little thing does not know how much comfortable, climbed up and climbed, smiled.

But it is too comfortable, the lens is not good to capture his figure, the director and assistant are calling his name in "啾啾, 啾啾", trying to let him see the camera, calling for one after another, like a bird farm.

Their husband was discussing, and the employee came over again, and brought another person, moved to a small round table and two chairs, the chair also had a cushion, and it would not be cold to the butt.

"Mr. Hey, standing too tired, sit down with your friends and see."

Chu Yu slightly frowned, his heart was suspicious, but it may be that he was too suspicious.

Yan Yanchen sat down and said, "The staff here are very considerate and considerate."

Chu Wei: "The director can't sit anywhere..."

They didn't say a few words, the man came again, this time with a pot of warm lemon honey black tea, and a stack of snacks, Western-style biscuits, eight, all the same.

Chu Wei: "..."

The other staff next to them are secretly swearing at them. Obviously this is not the norm in the industry.

Yan Yanchen has always been treated as a courtesy, but he knows that he is only a parent who takes children to shoot advertisements. It is reasonable to say that he will not be treated like such a VIP.

Yan Yanchen took a cup of tea and smiled. He asked, "Do I know you?"

The other party was obviously very excited for a moment, but he quickly pressed down and said, "I followed my supervisor to the annual meeting last year. I was fortunate enough to hear your speech..."

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