Chapter 101

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Yan Yanchen pushed the baby carriage into the elevator. Someone helped press the door open button. Others raised the two sides and let out the middle position so that the baby carriage could come in.

The face was hanged on the smoldering flame, the round face, a pair of big eyes fluttering and watching the uncles and aunts, beautiful like a doll.

He looked up and saw only his father's chin. He said with milk: "daddy... drink milk..."


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The employees in the elevator actually burned the fire of gossip in their hearts. However, no one dared to act rashly. Even the baby who looked up at the president was not dare.

The atmosphere is not dare to come out.

Finally, the elevator arrived at the floor, letting the cockroach go out first, and walked out five or six steps, and other talents dared to go out of the elevator.

Yan Yanchen is particularly proud today, and it is simply high-spirited. I thought: You envy it! My son is super cute!

After a while, the company that brought the children to work was quietly spread throughout the company, and even the company next door knew it.

Yan Yanchen is very excessive, not only take the children to the company, but also take the meeting!

In the conference room, it was very quiet.

He always took the ppt remote control and talked about the layout of the work schedule this week, and the company's development direction and strategic plan.

I always have a good voice, low and elegant, although I heard that he grew up abroad, but the voice is very standard, much better than many people who grew up in China.

Mr. Zhai: "This week's work is mainly..."


Hey total: "So, let's do it..."

"daddy... dad..."

Mr. Zhai: "In the next six months, I hope so..."

"Come on……"

It seems that such a cold and awkward man, there is a stroller next to it, a baby in the car is talking about baby star language, and occasionally clapping hands.

The picture is so beautiful that it really makes people unable to look directly.

He always has a self-conscious attitude, but someone in the place can't help but aim at the mysterious little baby. This little baby is still dubbing, it looks so cute...

Yan Yanchen coughed twice and said: "I and my lover are very busy. I can't find someone to help take care of the children, so bring the child to the company and affect you, sorry."

Everyone said:

"No no."

"Do not affect, do not affect, you are always free."

"Your baby is very embarrassed, I first saw such awkward child."

Two months ago, I was married, and I came to the company to have a candy. Even if I was pregnant immediately, I couldn’t give birth to such a big child... It seems that I always entered the marriage grave at a young age, and there is another hidden feeling. Marriage, or get married after giving birth, maybe it is to bring the child to marry into the giants, the child is **** enough.

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