Chapter 98

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After you have received your certificate, go back and give your birthday.

In the end, there is still no big deal.

The two have discussed together. It is mostly to give a child a birthday, in order to contact relatives. The people here are dying, and the flames are three generations of single pass. His mother is also the only child of the parents. The elders on the top are only fathers. The old man always wants to give the grandson, but there are no relatives, the rest of the business friends, He felt that there was no need to ask, only two or three old friends who were particularly good at relationship, other, no more; Chu family was a prosperous man, and Chu had a bunch of brothers and sisters. He was a pillar at home, but he was alone this time. I don't want to call it. When Chu was sick and still looking for a doctor everywhere, the relatives in the country vaguely knew that his son was seriously ill, and all of them were stunned, for fear that he would borrow money.

Teacher Chu’s third brother knows that Chu wants to sell the house and advises him not to sell it. He said that it is not cost-effective for the son of homosexuality to pay for his pension house and pension. Even if he is saved, he can’t pass on the family and then say that he There are two sons. When they can, they can pass on the younger son to give Chu a son and give him a pension. Although his younger son is not very good at reading, he is very filial and likes women. He will never make a scandal of homosexuality.

He and his son are still not dead, and those people are already staring at the money at his house.

Teacher Chu was disappointed. He recognized himself as a big brother. He was very loyal to his relatives. When his mother died in hospital, he paid for it. His wife and his wife asked him to ask for money. When he didn’t give it, he pulled his belt. . Nothing is said that everyone is the only one in the family who has a good future.

After being dragged for decades, Teacher Chu suddenly saw it. Apart from his wife and children, everyone else was empty. After so long, the feelings have long faded.

He remembered his younger brother and sister on his back when he was a child, but how to remember it, it is still not as good as Jun Jun.

When they said that he would not let Guanjun live and die, Teacher Chu would die. He is now in his 50s, retired, and wants to live for himself. Why do he call people?

At the beginning, they didn't want to have a relationship with his family. As they wished, instead of asking those blind-eyed relatives, they might as well ask some of his old friends, as well as Dr. Chen, who treated Chu and He.

Coupled with the friends of Chu Yu and the friends of Yan Yanchen, together, they will have two or three tables in total.

The two fathers are responsible for making money.

They are just fine to eat and drink.

The original list has been booked.

Zhuang Yuxue suddenly found him: "Chu Ge, I thought we were friends... Xiaozhen and I took time off to go to your son's birthday to eat wine, I know, why don't you take me?"

Chu Yu told the truth: "I thought I was not familiar with you."

He is a small man, and Zhuang Erzi has made him suffer a lot of pains. He remembers it clearly.

Zhuang Yuxue was too hurt to say, "I don't have a few friends left..."

Chu said with a smile: "How come you have no friends? You are not many friends?"

Zhuang Yixue sighed and sighed: "I went back to my parents and said that I didn't want to inherit the family property. I supported my big sister to do it. They didn't like it and took me a meal. But I insisted on doing it. I went to the big sister to discuss it. As a result, my big sister. More angry, saying that she is not rare, with a confidant who split up and left! I am now, two sides are not people, my parents are afraid that I will also escape, I will freeze all my bank cards, I will eat the company canteen every day."

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