Extra : Xiaozhuang

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This is what happens when Chu Yu’s children are 11 years old.

Last year, he handed in a friend who had forgotten his date, and was his father’s former boss, Zhuang Yuxue.

They are Chu Yu’s summer games to know the game.

Zhuang Yuxue is the apprentice he received in the game. After the relationship became more and more close (Zhuang Yuxue wanted), he did not expect a total, but he was a person who knew him!

However, Zhuang Yuxue is not a member of the four or six, and he is not at all embarrassed. He turned his head and shouted to call the "Little Master", and naturally accepted this matter. This guy, who also participated in Chu's birthday party, is not awkward.

Chu Hao soon got tired of the game, but their teacher-student friendship has been preserved.

On this day, Chu Yu received a message from Zhuang Yixue: You must save me!

Chu Wei: What happened to you? I am going to the s city to participate in the Go game on weekends. I have no time to accompany you to the next copy. You ask others, I will be free to play with you the next day.

Zhuang Yuxue: No, it doesn't take up your time. Can I borrow 800 blocks?

Chu Wei: What do you borrow money for? You first tell me what to use.

Zhuang Yuxue: It is a serious use. I found a game recharge on the Internet yesterday. It is very cost-effective. 100 pieces can be used for 200 coins. However, there was a small mistake. He said that because I was the first to recharge this way, I need 1000 in total, so I need 800 more. I will recharge the 800 and give it back to me.

Chu Yu:...

Zhuang Yuxue: Isn't there so much pocket money on hand?

Chu Yu: You have been cheated...


Why did Zhuang Yuxue fall into the field of borrowing money from primary school students? This matter must be started three years ago.

That year, he was twenty-nine years old and still a happy waste, but his family forced him to inherit his family business and make him unhappy. With the help of his brother and sister, Zhuang Yuxue finally got the courage and escaped.

Didn't bring much money, anyway, at home, my parents didn't give him pocket money in order to force him.

Although he is penniless, he is a well-known college student. He has a degree and has many years of work experience. Although he is not reliable, it is not difficult to find a job that can be used.

However, ordinary work, he has to go to work easily, do eight hours a day, can not be late to leave early, sometimes have to work overtime.

How hard is the world.

He escaped from his parents and wanted to live happily. If he is not happy, what does it mean?

If you are not happy, change your job.

Anyway, he is now alone, one is full, and the whole family is not hungry.

In recent years, he has switched a lot of work, even if he has less money in his hands, but he feels that the quality of life cannot be reduced. All the wages are used for eating, drinking, and playing. He also has a Keji, moonlight, and the most deposits on his hands. It was 20,000, but basically it was completely absent, and it was quite chic, but happiness was still happy. He also handed over several girlfriends, but because he is too wasteful, he is not seriously considering the future, and he still remembers playing like a big child all day long. At first, girls will like his face and humor, and later All of them have lost. People like him, playing with their boyfriends, are not suitable for husbands.

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