Chapter 64

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Chu Hao was woken up by the alarm clock ringing of the mobile phone in the morning. He reached out and took the phone and looked at it. It was already 7 o'clock. He only felt so weak, but still had to get up and go to work.

Chu Hao just got up and was taken back by the man. Yan Yanchen held him in his arms, his head buried in his neck, and kissed him on the shoulder: "What time is it?"

Chu Qi pinched his face: "Seven o'clock, Xiao Xiao, you let me go, I have to go to work."

Yan Yanchen kissed him: "Come on a sick leave and go to the company later."

Chu Yan half-smiling and laughing: "I have to record your words and listen to your company's employees. Their bosses take the lead in not doing business. See if your company can't open it."

Chu Yu finally pulled the flames of the flames out of his arms, and did not escape from the bed, but was caught by the waist. Yan Yan dust turned over and pressed Chu Hao under his body. He said, "Yes, yes, I am going to draw a banner and write me.

Chu Yu was laughed at by him.

They are all jokes.

At the beginning, they didn't have a job, but they had spare cash. They could run around in the world without arrogance. Now, you must be a social person first.

Chu Yu went to work in the clothes last night and was taken out.

Chu Yu is a model man in the company. He never wears heavy clothes every day. There is no stain on the collar and men's perfume.

The female colleagues also discussed what brand of new clothes is today and how to taste. It is called men's dressing straight men. By the way, they despise the unscrupulous male colleagues and ask them to learn from Chu.

Therefore, although Chu Yu today did not have any untidy clothes, but did not change clothes, they immediately discovered, very shocked.

"The secretary of Chu should have not returned home last night?"

"He made a girlfriend?"

"Actually... I heard from Chu’s former company that he was gay."


Another round of new gossip.

Chu Yu went to the manager of the personnel department to talk about the work, and said that he was always staring at his neck.

The Personnel Manager is a middle-aged man who has a wife and a son in his forties, but Chu Wei feels that the other side should have no hobby, and asks directly: "What happened to my neck?"

Uncle smiled at him and patted him on the shoulder: "Your girlfriend is very wild."

Chu Yu frowned, and after a few moments of reaction, he instantly turned red, calmly calmed down, and smiled: "Oh... we still concentrate on work."

After talking about the work, Chu Hao immediately went to the men's toilet, and took a photo of his back neck in front of the mirror, with a hickey on it, because his skin was white and the hickey was particularly obvious.

Chu Yu is angry and shy.

Chu Yu entered the compartment, locked the door, pulled out the phone and prepared to send a message, flames, and typed words: How do you leave a hickey on my neck? Was discovered! I still want to be shameless?

Just send the key -

The first step to receive the news of Chu Yu is a selfie.

Yan Yanchen took a photo of himself, only took the shoulders, neck and lower half of the face, and the flames were slightly sideways, revealing the neck bend, and there was a circle of teeth on the side of the collarbone, and the long fingers of the flame dust were on it.

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