Chapter 49

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He was often sick after he was discharged from the hospital. He was admitted to the hospital because he was sick. Because he was a baby who was slow to respond and didn't cry, his pain was not sharp. He didn't want to cry even if he was not feeling well, so it was difficult for them to find out in time. Comfortable. This is also why Chu Yu hopes that he can make a lot of love and cry.

Chu Yu was so worried that he even thought that he had transmitted the cold to his baby. He just because he is isolated! I know that my body is weak and I have seen it several times.

In the past few days, there was a slight cough. I coughed twice in the evening and in the morning. It was good during the day and the fever was not obvious.

The doctor initially diagnosed that it was pneumonia. He also complained that they didn't care about the children. They should be sent over. The three of them were very ashamed. The three people took care of the baby and could still make the baby sick and deteriorate. But the baby is still very special, think about it. It is also sick in these two days or so, which is very rapid, and it is probably because of the weak resistance of the body.

He is not the first pneumonia. He is a premature baby. His heart and lungs are not well developed. He had had pneumonia before he was cured.

After the hospitalization, I was treated for a few days, but I didn’t get better.

Chu Yu’s mood was ups and downs with his illness. Master saw him so unsettled, and simply gave him a leave to go to the hospital to accompany the child: “I am not the kind of black-hearted boss who does not give the holiday to the employee’s child.”

Chu Yu is not polite with Master.

The doctor checked the sputum again. Combined with the previous cases, the cause was corrected. It should be an asthma attack, not a pneumonia.

At that time, Chu Yu heard the doctor said that he was suffering from asthma in infants and young children. He almost didn’t hold back his tears. He really... he could bear it if he was sick, but he was suffering a little bit of pain. .

Although doctors say that asthma is not serious, it is a long-term problem. Even if it can be cured slowly, it will take a long time.

Originally, there was a disease of the heart chamber septal defect. The condition was not ideal when the disease was reviewed. The doctor said that he would undergo surgery when he was one year old.

The old disease was not cured and new diseases were discovered.

Chu’s own cold has long been good.

Chu Yu went to the ward to see cockroaches, squatting in bed, closing his eyes, his hands were tight, his cheeks were sickly red, his mouth was slightly open and gasping.

I am still suffering from it in silence. I have no appetite for eating these days.

Chu Yu’s tears are falling.

Chu Yu sat on the edge of the bed and stared at him without looking at it. He saw the spin of the top of the skull. When he remembered that the flame was sleeping beside him, he also saw the top of the flame, the same as the skull. , two hairpins.

Chu Yu sucked his nose, suddenly missed it very much, missed the flame, want to find the flames now, tell him that he is not dead, tell him they have a child, the child is always sick.

But it is really difficult for him to find the flames.

Chu Yu is really afraid that he will not grow up. He doesn't ask for anything else. Even if he is a little fool, it doesn't matter if he doesn't have a future. It's good to be alive and grow up.

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