Chapter 18

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boom. boom. boom. boom. (Cooking like a chef ,I'm 5 star........) Hehe I don't know but while reading this line I started singing god's menu.

When the billiards collide, they make a crisp sound, one after the other, simply drop the bag.

The distinguishing feature of snooker from other billiards is that players should try to control the direction of the white ball and create obstacles for the opponent. The subtle deviations must be calculated accurately, and the patience must be tested.

When the lower shot hits the ball, it is necessary to concentrate on the spirit. The flame of the flames likes the expression of Chu Wei's slightly frowning, and the sense of **** is unparalleled.

But, after all, it's just entertainment.

After hitting it, Chu Yu will breathe a sigh of relief, holding the club and chatting with Yan Yanchen.

Yan Yanchen did not admire him: "You played well, I can't beat you."

Chu Yu modesty: "It's still a good thing."

He said with emotion: "Now the global integration, in fact, where to play is similar, entertainment projects are these, nothing novel. The goods in the souvenir shop look at the labels, all madechina, I open the domestic shopping site a search is cheap Goods, don't want to be a big head at all. The world's crows are generally black, and they are all swindling foreign tourists."

Yan Yanchen said: "But if you return empty-handed, it makes people feel sorry..."

Chu said: "I feel that the only characteristic of the localities is that there is no way to assimilate the local food in the world. It will always be different. Eating is the most important thing. In this way, even if it is worthwhile. My most troublesome thing is a day. Just stuffed three meals, breakfast, what to eat, lunch, what to eat for dinner, dinner, what to eat tomorrow morning, continue the next day, really guilty... What should we eat later? Come over and see several restaurants that look very delicious."

蔺 Flame dust hit a shot and close the shot.

Chu Hao took the next ball, just wanted to fight, I heard Yan Yanchen said: "I am not the same, I am thinking about when you will be lucky in the morning, when I want to be lucky at noon, I want you to be at night tomorrow. Fortunately, I am still the next day, and I am very embarrassed."

They last rolled the sheets four days ago.

Chu Yu was a hand slippery, mistyped, the white ball deviated from the original route, and slammed into a bag.

Chu Wei: "..."

You are young, not afraid of kidney loss, I am afraid. Chu Yu’s heart is full of thoughts.

Chu Yu looked at him: "What did you say? I didn't hear."

Yan Yanchen is a shameless person. He did not hear it. He dared to say it again: "I said, you have not slept me for four days."

Chu Yu: "You really said it straight? Too shameless."

蔺 尘 尘 理 理 : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “

Who is boasting like this? Chu Yu cried and laughed.

In fact, Chu Yu actually felt that the days when the flames had been wrapped up were too lascivious and chaotic. Every day was not in bed, or on the way to the bed, he couldn’t help himself. He put on the attitude of the gold master: "I am looking for you to let You accompany the tour, accompanying-sleeping is included in the tour, but it does not mean to accompany the tour. My purpose is to let you play with me, not to play with you all day."

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