Kid Blink x Fem!Reader

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•Ooh, angst!
•I Miss Her

Kid Blink P.O.V.
I held a small photograph in my hand. It was of a young woman with stunning features and a blithe smile. Any boy in the universe would be lucky to date her. Her, of course, being (Y/n) (L/n), the most beautiful human in the world (a/n: yes you are, don't deny it), who used to be my girlfriend. Please note the past tense. You see, I loved (Y/n) to the ends of the Earth. We were happy as we could ever imagine. Until, the accident. (Y/n)'s parents lived in Pennsylvania, miles from her home in New York. She was on her way home from a visit with her parents, when the carriage hit another and both were crushed, killing the passengers. No one survived. The last time a saw her, was at her funeral. She looked...different. (Y/n)'s corpse looked the same, but empty. Her spirit was gone, making the body look cold and unfamiliar. Today was the one year anniversary of her death. I sat out in the rain, by her grave. "I miss you. God, I miss you so much! Please come back. Please..." I cried. I remember the last time I saw her alive:
"See you in a week!" (Y/n) kissed me, "I love you!" She hopped into the carriage.
"I love you too!" I called, not knowing I'd never see her alive again...

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