Chapter 8 - Red flags

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I entered the freshly polished interior of the building,

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I entered the freshly polished interior of the building,

Gazing at its utmost beauty and saddened by the lies that Madeline told me.

"You weren't lying," I said disappointed.

"Why don't you sound too happy about that?" She jeered.

"Because it means that Madeline lied to me,"

"Pffft, Madeline doesn't know anything about this place, she just told you what everyone told her, no sweat," Lyla assured.

I slight relief weighed off of my shoulders, I didn't want to place Madeline on a suspect list.

"Well, follow me," Lyla ordered.

"So you can kill me?"

"You know after all the bonding, I finally thought that you would trust me, New girl," she smirked.

"A leopard never changes its spots Lyla, but a snake can shed its scales, do you know the difference?" I asked.

"I don't think that I'd like to, are you following me or not?" She asked.

"Ok fine, but I swear if you kill me, I'll hunt you down to the ends of the earth until you die, and I'll hunt you even when you're dead!" I warned.

"Dang, that scared me," she mocked.

I scoffed at her ridicule.

I followed her into a room filled with portraits of, I guess important people, as there was a portrait of Chancellor Ingred on one of the walls.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"This is the old meeting room," she started.

"The heads of the academy used to have meetings here before the fire." She explained.

My eyes caught interest in a certain portrait.

It made my eyes go wide.

A tall, old English man with peppered hair, and honey brown eyes was in a frame with the name 'Sir Marcel' scribbled below it.

"Lyla look!" I showed her the portrait and her eyes lit up.

"That's the guy on the cover page of the journal that I was talking about, is he Sir Marcel?" She asked.

"Apparently, it says 'Sir Marcel, 2009 - 2016'," I read.

"Wait, wait are you sure?" She asked.

I still didn't trust the snake, but I wanted to see how she reacted to the news.

"No, I'm suddenly blind and dyslexic," I snapped.

"A simple yes or no would do, no need for the sarcasm, Chancellor Ingred became the Chancellor in 2016, same year as the King's eye fire," she stated.

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