Chapter 21 - Kinapped

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Silencer's P

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Silencer's P.O.V

I watched as Bryer made her way over to the one person who would blow my cover. I had to come up with a distraction and fast. Looking around the room, my eyes caught my partner's.  She glared at me, silently telling me not to screw this up. I really couldn't screw this up, I don't know if I will get another opportunity like this one.

Some guy was singing karaoke on the stage, it made my ears bleed but his atrocious singing was just the spark of inspiration that I needed. I finally came up with a plan that would fix all of our problems. I quickly head to the maintenance room, sneaking past everyone, pulling my turquoise jacket closer to me to hide myself from the world.

The party's theme is blue. The colour flooded everywhere like a bomb exploded. Absolutely putrid. I've always hated the colour, it is indecisive, it can be an extremely happy colour or a sad one. Like pick one emotion! It's either this or that!

Stealing a glance at Bryer, she was making small conversation with Austin but her eyes never strayed from Sony. I knew that my partner and I both felt uneasy with him around as I saw her biting her nails. My plan needed to work, we are so very close to ending this mess and beginning phase two.

I slipped through the cracked door, entering the room that had nothing but a huge open window and a lot of red switches in a breaker box. A huge red sign was above it saying 'Do not touch'. It placed a huge smile on my face, I love breaking rules. The warning was on it for a reason though because beside the words there was a symbol of a guy being shocked to death. You can see his skeleton and everything. I slowly placed my hand near, fearing for ending up like the symbol.

When I was close enough a loud voice interrupted me, scaring me out of my wits. "What are you doing?"

"Gaah!'s you, I'm buying us time." She looked at the switches, mirroring my cunning smirk. "You never fail to disappoint." She praised. I know those words were only words, they had no true meaning behind them because whenever I messed up she'd punish me. Leaving bruises all over my body. She might be related to me, and she might love me but she is my greatest enemy, one that I can't beat.

However, I smiled at her as if her words did have weight to them. "This is great," She said before her eyebrows raised. I knew that look well, she did it whenever she had a great idea. "We won't be able to get them both tonight but we can surely get the birthday boy,"

"What about phase two?" I questioned.

"Lyla's already setting it in place. Listen, turn these lights off. I'll go back out there and kidnap Austin myself, escape through the window and we'll meet at our spot. All clear?" I shut all the switches off at her words. "Crystal."

The house became dark, so dark that everyone started screaming. "Where did the light go?!" Someone shouted. I hastily climbed out the window but I wanted to see the chaos that I caused so I hid in the bushes, looking inside the fixed living room window. The person that created this house was ludicrous. Who the hell places windows that are tinted on the inside but everyone can see from the outside? But who am I to complain, it came in handy after all.

I could hardly see anything, but I could hear the panicked voices in the room. "Everyone calm down, someone probably messed with our Maintainance room, don't worry I'll go and fix it." The voice was definitely Austin's this made things way easier. It's like the guy was laying himself on a platter for us. Too bad we're going to kill him and his friend.

I snuck back to the maintenance window just in time to see my partner sneak up on him, she quickly placed a cloth over his mouth and nose. After a long struggle, he finally succumbed to the sleep the drugs provided. Normally she would just use her bat but I guess this way is still effective. She noticed me right away and motioned for me to come inside. "Help me get him out, Bryer will be here any second."

I quickly climbed inside, grabbing Austin's feet while she grabbed his hands. We both hauled him outside, by the time we're in the forest, far away from the house I heard Bryer's scream. "The Silencer took Austin!"

I grinned like an idiot. Soon enough we'll capture her and we'll end this but for now, I struggled with the guy all the way to the King's eye building where we held Lyla. She wasn't there, probably beginning phase two like my partner said. We dropped Austin's body like a bag of cement, she quickly cuffed his hands to one of the desks in the room while I cuffed his feet.

"Well, I guess our work is done!" I said. She ran over to me, engulfing me in a hug. It was quite strange, she had never done any of these things before but I returned her embrace.

"Far from brother but another item on our list just got checked off. Our shopping will be over soon." She dragged me to the meeting room, pulling out the map of the school before showing the progress of phase two. "Aren't you afraid that Lyla will do something stupid?" She shook her head no, grinning at my statement.

"I threatened her family, one peep from her and they're dead."

"How could I ever doubt you?"

"They are placed here and here, Lyla's putting the last one in place...if we get caught we need an alibi and a plan. If you go to jail, I will get you out but you need to promise me that you won't blow this over so that phase two can run its course. Those bastards need to pay."

"Whatever you need, what's our alibi?"


A/N Thanks for reading!

Road to 1K!

What do those snakes have planed?

Until next time!


Love y'all 😘

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