Chapter 17 - Unraveling

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I stood painfully still in the dark living room, staring intently at the thrown-over pillows and the other knick-knacks trying to come to terms with the fact that Lyla was kidnapped right under my nose

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I stood painfully still in the dark living room, staring intently at the thrown-over pillows and the other knick-knacks trying to come to terms with the fact that Lyla was kidnapped right under my nose.

Tears ran viciously down my cheeks and onto the cold tiled porcelain floors. Four hours, I stood in the same spot for four hours and I still couldn't comprehend my loss.

How could the others not hear what was happening? Her screams? Her commotions?

Where were they? And where was I?

I told her just last week that she would be by my very side when we bust who the Silencer is. On this wild confusing journey of finding two mass murderers. Instead, she's out there probably being...

The violent tears grew harder but suddenly paused as the door nob started shaking it turned, slowly.

It finally opened to reveal someone walking into the house backward as if him/her were closing an umbrella from a rainstorm.

My breath caught into my throat as I picked up the pillow nearest to me looking down the seemingly long hallway at the person who turned around, slowly.

I attacked the person, throwing the pillow at him/her as fast and as strong as I could, hitting the person smack in their back.

A cute, quiet cough sounded from the being as he/she fell from the impact. The person's head flipped around briskly looking at its attacker, me.


"Asher?" My brows drew up in confusion. The little delinquent clumsily smiled at me, slowly getting up from his fall hunching his frame to appear smaller.

"W-what were you doing outside?"

Asher looked nervous, his eyes wide like a deer in headlights as if he has been caught doing something no one should know about.

"I-I t-take l-late n-night st-strolls," He explained.

Sweat laced his forehead from my intense stare. I looked at him fiercely like a mother scolding a child for lying to her. His hands were shaking and his shoulder scrunched together unbearably like they were about to snap. He looked as if he wanted to be swallowed whole.

"Asher?" My voice raised in a little song like I knew that he was lying although I had no idea if he was. On one hand, he's always sweating and scrunching his shoulders he also always looks like a dear in headlights and he stutters all the time as well so this could just be him speaking.

On the other hand, it's in the middle of the night and I thought that he was sleeping soundly upstairs.

"F-fine I-I snuck out to g-go to s-set up L-Lya's s-surprise birthday party for tomorrow." A large breath left his lips as if he was relieved that someone knew of his endeavors.

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