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A/N- okay I lied the update was not soon but I had a bad case of writers block. This is a warning. This is the last chapter in this book.

3rd POV

"What! How can he be My teacher! We are the same age!" Sasuke yelled as Naruto silently laughed high diving Konohamaru. Walking to his new student. He put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay young grasshopper.  I will teach you my ways." Naruto said Mask left on the side of his head.

"We. Are. The. Same. Age!" Sasuke shouted as Naruto laughed.

Clapping his hands Naruto bounced abit in his step as he walked towards the door, "Well we can dwell on this later. Pack your bags! Kids were hitting the road by 12!" Naruto said as he disappeared.

"What..." Tsunade said. She had been left in the dark about the fact Naruto was leaving with Sasuke and Konohamaru. His new students, as the paperwork says.

"Ugh. Fine.." Sasuke mumbled as he left. Truth be told he was excited to leave the village with Naruto. He just hoped it was for nothing stupid.

'Knowing that idiot he's probably got it in his head to create a whole village or something...ha yea right!'

Sasuke let out a half laugh at the silly thought he had. Naruto wasn't that dumb was he?

Take that back he was. Standing outside of Konoha's gate Sasuke stared with disbelief as Naruto handed them two headbands. The ingraving being one of Uzushiogakure. A destroyed village.

"You can't be serious." Sasuke said. Konhamaru had put the head band around his arm no questions asked.

"Naruto!" A booming voice shouted. Turning around Naruto grinned as he saw Jiraiya.

"Pervy-sage! You made it!" Naruto yelled.

"Of course I did kid. Now we should get going now before the sun's down." Jiraiya said as Naruto looked back at the village.

"You guys go ahead I have to see some people before I go." Naruto said as Sasuke deadpanned.

"Why didn't you do that before 12." He said. Not bothering to make it a question.

"I was having Ichiraku's delicious ramen!" Naruto chirped as he walked away.

"Boss is so cool." Konohamaru said as Jiraiya ruffled his hair.

Naruto had teleported into Iruka's empty class room. Just now noticing the bookshelf, with his book series on it. A smile tugged at his lips as he looked down at Iruka's desk finding the man asleep. A line of drool at the corner of his mouth. Chuckling slightly Naruto gently shook Iruka awake.

"Huh!" Iruka shouted as he shot up from his seat. Finding Naruto, who was laughing now, sitting on his desk. Naruto hopped off of it and opening his arms up for a hug from Iruka.

"Your leaving again aren't you?" Iruka says as he pulls the blonde in for a hug.


"Stay safe please?"

"I will. Pervy-sage is coming with me, along with my students! Sasuke and Konohamaru." Naruto said hugging Iruka tighter

"Okay.. make sure to write."

"I will."

"Will you be staying in one place or moving around?"

"We'll be moving for awhile but we'll have a solid place to stay soon." Naruto said as Iruka nodded and Pulled away.

"Bye Iruka-sensei!"

"Stay safe!" Iruka yelled after Naruto.

Narutonow stood at a door. Knocking 3 times he waited for the owner to open it. The door opened shortly after. Kakashi stood their his hair was wet. So his hair was with out its usual gravity defyingness.

"Naruto?" Kakashi asked as Naruto stepped forward slightly pulling Kakashi down to him. Naruto kissed Kakashi through his mask before disappearing.

Kakashi swayed slightly, "Did that just happen?"

Naruto appeared infront of the three people he had left. Grinning when he realized.

"You guys waited for me!" He cheered.

"Of course we did. We don't know where we're going." Sasuke said as Naruto laughed nervously.

"Oh ya!" He laughed before turning on his right foot, "Onward my precious group!"

With a sigh Sasuke followed, konohamaru more eagerly.

Jiraya couldn't help but smile at the fimalier sight. The scene inforny of him reminding him of when he and Naruto went out for his training. They had to come back shortly after. They didn't even get 3 months in before they were requested back.

"And that's your father's story." A man with Grey hair and a mask said to two little kids. One with sun blonde hair a charcoal eyes. The other with the man's Grey hair but the bluest eyes in the world. Both kids had 2 little whiskers.

"Dad! Did Papa ever make his village?" The blonde asked as The man nodded.

"Yeah.. I'll take you two their soon.." He said staring at the grave infornt of them.

Naruto Uzumaki-Hatake
Hero, father, son, and dedicated teacher

"Kakashi!" A man yelled he had a blue scarf. And oddly two head bands. One of Konoha. And the other of Uzushio.

"Maa. Konohamaru.  How are you?"

"Konohamaru-sensei!" The two kids yelled hugging the man's legs.

"Hey kids! I'm doing alright. Just got back from Uzushio." Konohamaru answered Kakashi, "you know the festival is coming up soon... you should take them." Konohamaru said to Kakashi as the two stared at the two kids who were now chasing a butterfly.


"Dont worry! He would have loved it!... he would have loved them." Konohamaru whispered the last part.

"I know." Kakashi said before eye smiling, "he would have been proud of you."

"Ya think?" Konohamaru asked a hand going up to rub the back of his head.

"I know." Kakashi said before walking towards his two kids.

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