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Naruto's POV

Sasuke ran at me with his Chidori, and I launched at him with my Rasengan. But Before I hit him I stepped to the side discharging my Jutsu. Sasuke's Chidori went straight through my heart. blood dripped out of my mouth. Sasuke's Eye's widened before he passed out from lack of chakra. I picked him up and started to go to the village. My heart hurt but Kurama's chakra is healing it.

I made it. As I walked to through the gates People were waiting, I reached them and they took Sasuke and left me. I passed out, but before that Tsunade grabbed me and took me to the hospital.  Tsunade quickly worked on me and left to tend to Sasuke's wounds.

'I have a feeling something bad's going to happen' I thought as I walked out of my empty hospital room and to Sasuke's room, there I was about to open the door when I was pushed. I turned to see who pushed me and I saw sakura and behind her was rookie 9 and their sensei's, there was also Guy's team. I was confused.

"Don't you dare go in there! You almost killed him! You should just die! YOU MONSTER!" Sakura said. My Eye's widened. The group behind her was glaring at me with hatred, it broke my heart. I put an emotionless face on and got up.

"I had a hole through my chest and you're worried about a lack of chakra. Wow, I thought we were friends, but I guess I should have known" I walked away. Tears threatened to spill. I looked up to see Konohamaru arguing with one of the nurses I decided to listen in.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T VIST NARUTO!" Konohamaru yelled. 

"He's a monster. You shouldn't visit him for your own safety." the Nurse said. Konohamaru noticed me and ran at me tears falling down his face. He ran and hugged me. I hugged him back. There was a messenger hawk, I am needed at least I don't need to be in the hospital.

"I'm okay... I should get going. The Hokage calls."I say giving him one of my famous smiles. That cheered up Konohamaru.

"Okay, Boss!" He said I smiled and walked to the Hokages tower. I got to Tsunade's office, knocking on the door. She let me in and I could tell she was crying. 

"Naruto... The C-Council voted-d and they w-w-want you...... B-Banished." Tsunade said trying to keep tears from falling but failing miserably. I just nodded, I go up to Granny and Hug her. she digs her head in my chest. I pull out a Necklace and put it on her. She continues to cry until she falls asleep, I smile and put her on the couch in her office.


I walk out of the Hokage's Tower to see Konohamaru I smile walking up to him

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I walk out of the Hokage's Tower to see Konohamaru I smile walking up to him.

"Hey Konohamaru," I say still smiling, he turns around and hugs my leg, I bend down to his level and put a serious face on.

"Hey what's wrong Boss?" He asked. 

"Konohamaru I was Banished," I say slowly, I broke my heart when I saw his face change it looked so broken. He burst into tears. I comforted him, "Hey why don't you help me pack, Then I'll take you to ramen, and we'll go to the gates and I'll give you something before I leave. Sound Good!" I ask, he nodded and I pull him on to my back. Walking to the academy. 

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