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Konohamaru was staring at the necklace Naruto gave him, Smiling sadly at it. Right now Ebisu was trying to teach his genin how to climb trees, they were on a mission out of the leaf village and they were escorting a princess to the land of frost. Konohamaru wasn't paying attention because his big brother, in everything but blood, taught him how to before he left the leaf a year ago. Suddenly Konohamaru grew a big grin remembering the words Naruto, his older brother, told him. Ebisu watched as Konohamaru Quickly took off his necklace, that was always on him.

Konohamaru channeled some chakra into the necklace and next thing everyone sees is a blonde man standing there with a black mask on. (Mask like Kakashi Because Naruto Hasn't been to Kumo yet.) The man looked around and then spotted Konohamaru and his eyes lit up. The man Grabbed Konohamaru, making Ebisu ready to attack. The man started twirling Konohamaru around spinning him in the air.

"Damn Konohamaru You've Grown! And WHY HAVEN"TYOU SUMMONED ME SOONER I MISSED YOU!" The Man yelled still spinning Konohamaru around. He finally put him down.

"I didn't mean to boss Its just I forgot I could! I'll call you more I promise!" Konohamaru smiled. the exchange made Konohamaru's team confused. (Look I know There are two other little guys that call Naruto Boss it's just I can't remember their names and I'm to lazy to go find them)

"Well are you ready for some training! I think today we could test you affinitys and I got you a present  all we need to do is go to a more Secluded part of the woods." the man said.

"ALRIGHT BOSS!" Konohamaru yelled before grabbing the mans hand and running off into the woods. Leaving a very confused team.

One traing session later~

"Okay Konohamaru I'm going to give you something only me and you are going to be able to do so use it wisely." The masked man said as he removed a very large scroll of his back and opening it. Konohamaru was jumping up and down from excitement, "Okay I'm giving you the fox summoning contract, all you have to do is sign the contract with your blood." The blonde finished.


The mission was over and a newly made fox summoner was sitting at Ichiraku's eating his 25th bowl of ramen. That is till an AMBU came in.

"Konohamaru The Hokage needs you." The AMBU said before grabbing Konohamaru's sholder and teleporting him to the Hokage. WHen Konohamaru looked around the office he saw Konoha 11 with their sensei's were in there waiting for him. He also saw Jiriaya was their looking annoyed. Lady Tsunade was there with hope in her eyes.

"I asked you two here because we have heard that you two have contact with Naruto. And We would like to know everything about it." The Hokage spoke.

"Tsunade-Hime I'm sorry but why do these scum..."Jiriaya said while glaring at Konoha 11 and their senseis, "have to be here?"He finished still glaring at the group.

"They wished to hear about Naruto, Who am I to stop them? But Back To Naruto! Is he healthy? Is he eating well? He's Alive isn't he!?" Tsunade bonbarded the two with questions.

"He's fine, and yes to all the questions. He even trained me and gave me a summon!" Konohamaru cheered at the end. Everyone stared wided at the boy.

"What summon he cut off the toad one so which one?" Jiriaya asked genuinly curious. Konohamaru decided to just summon a fox instead of answer. A white fox appeared with 2 tails, on Konohamaru's Shoulder.

"Konohamaru! How are you Boss said he just got back from training you!" the fox chirped. Everyone in the room was dumbfounded.

"Hey Aki!" Konohamaru said with just as much enthusiasm, "You see Boss gave me the fox summons and said that he was a fox sage and that since I am hislittle brother I get to have the fox summons too. Oh and they are only loyal to me and Boss."  Konohamaru chirped and let the fox leave.

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