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3rd POV

The Group of Ninja's finally reached the gates of the Mighty Konoha. Everyone in the group turned as the heard a groan, the source of the very irritating groan was from the Famous Red Kitsune!!!!

Said Man looked ahead to see a large group of people. Waiting. For Him. Once they entered the gates He was swarmed with people pleading to save them from the war... 

He gave a small chuckle and continued walking. No one knew what was so funny. Their lives were on the Line! And he just laughed at them! No one but Kitsune noticed a boy who he knew as Konohamaru looking at him in suspicion. Making the man smirk. One thought crossed his mind

'I trained him well' Kitsune walked over to the boy who was utterly confused. I mean who wouldn't be he could feel the Proudness rolling of the man by the shit ton. It only downgraded to a fuck ton. Oh did I say downgrade I mean upgrade. (If anyone knows that they are the best)

"Hey, squirt can you tell me where a good Ramen place is, I haven't had a Good bowl in years." The man said failing to hide his proudness as he spoke. The boy just looked at him the only person who always had that proudness in their voice when they spoke to him was... No, he couldn't be Boss told him he was going to be away for years and he couldn't contact him. Even the foxes can't say anything.

"Actually He has to meet with the Hokage first." Said a voice. They both turned around to find a very annoyed Pineapple. The now sad blonde sighed.

"Fine..." The man started to walk away with the pineapple but abruptly stopped. Turned around to face Konohamaru, "See you around Squirt!" the proudness in his voice returned and the said man winked at Konohamaru who's eyes widened with realization. Konohamaru soon nodded with a grin no one had seen in so long That it startled some passing by.



Since Naruto was gone Iruka had become 100% sadder. He still continued teaching but it wasn't the same. Sometimes a student of his would try and cheer him up but nothing worked. So imagine his surprise when the Hokage came with the people he now hated with a passion Konoha 11 and their senseis. Sasuke he was okay with Since he knew that Naruto and he were close and he was still in the hospital before he could do anything. Konohamaru was there too.

"You need something Hokage-sama?" He asked in his sad voice.

"Yes, I want Naruto's real test scores." She said smoothly, "Oh and I received a message from naruto..." She didn't get to finish before she was being shaken franticly by a Crazed Iruka Who kept repeating" WHAT DID HE SAY!!!!"

"He said He still had the book? Whatever that means." She mumbled still shaken up by well Iruka. It apparently meant a lot because he ran into the classroom with everyone following. When they reach the room they find Iruka holding what looks to be an old notebook.

"What did Naruto mean by that?" asked a very confused Tsunade.

"It was back in the days when Naruto was in the academy." Iruka started and everyone sat down on the floor. While his class that was completely shaken up started listening too, " Naruto wanted me to help him with something so I agreed. And it turns out he actually just needed to show me something. So I followed him but to my surprise, we went to the cemetery." By now the whole village was standing outside the window of Iruka's classroom listening to Iruka talk about Naruto. They felt guilty and wanted to learn more about the blonde boy they so wrongly judged.

"He took me to my parents grave... And then he tapped the ground." Iruka continued with a small smile on his face, "Out of now where My parents appeared. I thought it was a Genjutsu so I kept saying, Kai. But it turns out that Naruto resurrected my parents for me for the day." Everyone was speechless.

'When did Naruto learn how to resurrect people.' Everyone thought.

"The next day Naruto and I started a notebook system where we would write stories and give them to each other. We started it because Naruto said that if he was ever a parent he would want stories to tell his children so. I started writing every story my parents ever told me and Some of my own. And He gave wrote down stories for if I ever had kids. One day he came running in my classroom before class so no one was there. He asked for my notebook so I gave it to him and he put a seal on it and then he pulled out an empty notebook and put the same seal on it only it was a little different. All the stories I wrote were now in both my notebook and the new one. He did this to his notebook and another new one. Once all his stories were on the new one he gave me back my notebook and the copy of his notebook.  Telling me that where ever we were we could still write stories to each other and the other person could see them." Iruka was now sidetracked Reading all the new stories Naruto had written. 

Every single girl couldn't believe how badly they missed out. I mean Naruto was the total package, he was handsome, smart, funny, Family oriented, protective, and most importantly he was Caring and kind. How could they be so foolish as to not notice?

Hour later~

"Can you please give me Naruto's real test scores?" Asked Tsunade as she fixes her very precious jacket. Since naruto has given her the jacket and earrings she hasn't taken them off. Only to clean them.

"Oh yes of course hear," Iruka says, nose still stuck in the old notebook filled with stories. Konoahamaru had been reading over Iruka's shoulder and he was so emerged in the notebook he hadn't noticed someone had even spoken. Everything was interrupted when Iruka started to cheer.

"HE'S PUBLISHING THE SERIES! aND WE ARE THE FIRST TO READ IT! WOAH!" Two very excited people jumped around.

"Oh, My Kami! He was a genius. a prodigy among prodigies." Tsunade whispered in disbelief. Kakashi who had looked at the file Tsunade was reading felt even more terrible.

They left after that and Iruka started writing a new story for Naruto to read. Smiling to himself as he read a little notes naruto wrote in between the lines of the sentences.

FlashBack End~ 

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