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(This is not the battle yet it's going to fill you in on something Naruto is going to be using and how he learned it)


3rd POV

Naruto couldn't believe it Kurama had just teleported him to the fox summons realm and said become a fox sage and left. Even When Naruto tries to talk to him in his mindscape he is unavailable. Naruto grew a tick mark as he looked around the Realm he was stranded in when all of a sudden he was tackled to the ground by a fox with 5 tails. 

"That are you doing here."The fox says.

"Uh I don't know Kurama sent me here," Naruto says looking at the fluffy fox. The fox sniffed him and then all of the sudden His face lit up.

"Oh... MY KAMI YOUR KURAMA'S KIT!!! WE HAVE HEARD SO MUCH ABOUT YOU!" The Fox yells as he licks Naruto's faces making him laugh. 

"Thats enough Ai. The elders would like to meet Kurama's kit." Intervined another fox formally. This fox had 7 tails and Gold markings on her Snow white body. Ai got off Naruto And Pulled him up. In one swift movement Naruto was teleported into the Elders chambers, this resulted in him face planting into the ground Not so eligentally, this also lead into him laughing as he got up.

"It's an honor to meet our leaders Kit." greeted a older Fox you could tell he was the elder as he gave off a superior atmosphere and his marks were silver. He also had 8 tails. 

"My name is Usui and I am The second in command here when Kurama isn't here. Which thanks to you we have seen again and we thank you for that."

You see When Naruto was traveling He figured out a way to unseal Kurama and not kill him. This also let Kurama free meaning he wasn't sealed inside of Naruto anymore but Kurama decided to leave his chakra inside of Naruto saying he didn't need it anymore.  Which meant Naruto could still use The Nine-Tails Cloak but It also meant he couldn't talk to Kurama anytime he wanted unless Kurama decided to stay inside of Naruto's Mindscape to sleep. 

What he was lazy.

Soon Naruto was already friends with Half of the Foxs in the fox realm, Shizumu Tsuki No Kuni. You see That means Land of the setting moon. It was called this because there is a point in the mountains that you can see the moon go away and the sun come out. It was really beautiful. 

As soon as Naruto Told them Kurama wanted him to be a fox sage, they put him into training. Which meant he had to prank a land full of Pranksters and not get caught. And that was hard. And once he completed that he had to balance chaos and remain a calm mind at the same time. Which was a whole task in and of its self. 

Seriously it took him a whole year to complete just that. Honestly he didn't know it had taken a year. Luckaily Shizumu Tsuki No Kuni's time zone was way different. One year there was like 3 months in the 5 nations.

But luckaily he finished and learned something awesome. Naruto Took in many of the Foxs customs like how they always laughed at what was not supposed to be seen as a compliment. And How they always bowed their head when The moon left and the sun came out. They were always so respectful even though they where jokesters. And They always gave each other Nicknames. And you stuck with those nicknames FOREVER. It was so funny when A child would accidentally Call their mother Old Hag or Tirrent. 

But soon Naruto had to leave and with him impressive skills. It was a teary goodbye. And half of the foxs were trying to hid in his scrolls. It was funny when he tried to leave but he had to go the rough all his seals because somehow they had gotten into them.

Shortly he was on his way to Kumo. 

A/N It was short and Probably really bad but I felt really bad that I hadn't updated in so long that Kind of rushed it. I hope it was okay. And I'll try to Update more often.


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