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A/N- I am Officially a Dumbass. I haven't updated this for months and I spelled the first Hokage's name so wrong it's not even funny. Hiroshima=Hashirama D.U.M.B.A.S.S!!!! Say it With me Imma Dumbass!!! Ya! Back to chapter now


3rd POV

Now without His reanimated pons, Orochimaru was useless. He didn't have enough Chakra to do the Jutsu again. Most Jutsu's he knew all required a lot of Chakra, so he was pretty much useless, tired, and wounded. So As any insane person would he tried one more time to kill naruto. 

Let me tell you didn't work. So let's add no more right arm to his injuries and we are good. He made maybe one of the first rational decisions he has ever made and surrendered. Or well disappeared. Long gone. 

The armies evacuated to seeing as Orochimaru the leader and orchestrator of the entire thing were gone they saw no point in fighting anymore. 

(Terrible End to a Terribly made war!)

Once they all left the leaf ninja were in mayhem trying to get every one of the leaf ninjas that died. Many did. I can not describe how quiet the village was. Naruto kept his mask on Even if he didn't need to. He kept it on so no one could see his sadness. Naruto had grown up with the mindset that if he were to show he was sad it would be exploited and he would end up alone and crying. So he hid his face. 

It had been too somber to talk to anyone as the funeral and memorial stone were happening and being built at the same time. It was hectic and sad. Naruto just wanted to get out of there. people were coming up to him a claiming he was a hero. It was getting annoying. They hated him and now they worshiped him. What the fuck type of logic was that?

So here he sat In a tree concealing his chakra as he appeared down at the funeral taking place down below. Naruto hadn't talked about payments yet it was too early and Konoha had a tragedy. He had to respect that, even though he didn't like that. 

He may have acted like he wanted to be here but in actuality, he couldn't stand it. He had to be in a place where he was betrayed. Of course, there were people he liked still here. Like Kakashi, Sasuke, Konohamaru, Iruka, Pervy Sage, Baa-chan, The Ichiraku's, The street kids. He had some people he liked. As he thought of this an Idea popped into his head.

Oh yes, this was going to be a great thing. No way it would backfire! (Hint! HINT!!) Smiling a bit Naruto stood up and teleported away.  This was going to be good. Better than that. He was going to go back in time. Not literally. But while the villagers were away, It's a prankster's time to play. 

Yes that is right. Naruto Painted the entire village different colors and then He waited in the Hokage's office for the backlash. Oh, how he loved mayhem. They were coming any minute he could feel it... 1.....2.....3......

"NARUTO!!!" Iruka yelled out of habit as he looked around the newly colored village. He could be heard through the whole village. The villagers at the funeral who were all going back home Heard Iruka Yell Naruto's name. And being too busy fearing for their (Pathetic) lives didn't know Naruto was Red Kitsune. SO naturally that was a big shocker. They picked up the pace to find a dead give away that Naruto was there. Especially the big 'Fuck you' In the center part of the village. 

Tsunade couldn't help but smile, it was a painful day but somehow Naruto could make everyone forget that. So as she went into the newly colored pink Hokage Tower she didn't expect to see a sleeping Naruto Sitting in her chair with his feet up.

"Of course he hid out here," Tsunade said as she shook her head. He looked very peaceful sleeping so she just grabbed a blanket and dropped it over him before she turned off the lights and walked out of her office. Unaware that Naruto was awake and Smiling.

Naruto put a barrier seal on him and actually went to sleep. Waking up an hour or two later where he went back to Kakashi's Apartment where he saw Kakashi sleeping on the couch. Naruto basically did the same thing as Tsunade.

But as he walked away Kakashi grabbed his arm pulling him toward him.Naruto could have easily gotten out of his grip. And in all honesty Naruto let him. He was really tired and he liked Kakashi.... a lot. 

Kakashi pulled Naruto next to him on the couch were he fell back asleep. Naruto had a warm smile on his face as he snuggled into Kakashi. They both fell asleep.

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