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A/N- Just so you guys know I appreciate the support but I want to clarify something the image of Naruto in the last chapter is how I imagin him. And I'm sorry if u
You guys don't like it but I don't care. At all.

Naruto's POV

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze and I was banished," I say, giving them my papers.

"WHAT?!" Everyone yelled. I sigh.

"Your the Fourth Hokage's son!" A random Citizen council member yelled

"Yup, Last time I checked my Parents were Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze," I say in a bored tone. I look over to see my "friends" look guilty well except for Sakura she's happy I'm leaving, "Now I would love to stay and chat but I only have 10 more minutes to leave before some AMBU kill me." I walk away waving lazily behind me.

"NO! YOU CAN'T LEAVE! I WON'T LET YOU! ROOT CHARGE!" Danzo Yells while other people agree. I just sigh and stand there.

"MOVE IDIOT YOUR GONNA DIE!" Yelled Kiba. All the ROOT AMBUattack at th same time I make some hand signs and they freeze in the air.

"You know that wasn't very nice I mean you guys don't want me against you now do you?" I ask giving them a close-eyed smile All the girls fainted with red faces, " Now that, That's taken care of. I'll see you later Pervy sage! Bye Granny! See ya' Konohamaru! Bye Anko!" I waved and walked away making hand signs so fast no one could see them, the root members dropped to the floor dead. I disappeared in a yellow flash.

Third POV

"That couldn't be Naruto he doesn't look like that!" Ino yelled.

"Actually he was using seals and Genjutsus," stated Jiraiya who was smirking at how much everyone's faces changed.

"B-But he's the dead last! How did he disappear like that!" Kiba screamed. Oddly Anko chuckled.

"He's a lot stronger than he lead everyone to believe," Anko says and walked away

Naruto's POV

"Well Shit where do I go now?" I ask, to no one in particular. Literally, because there is no one around. "Oh I know I'll go to the land of Waves!" I say as a run to that direction. It takes me an hour to get there. I'm now standing in front of the Great Naruto Bridge. Oddly everyone recognizes me even after I took of my seals and Genjutsu. I smile a real smile not those lame smiles I usually give. Not even two minutes after I step foot in the Waves I'm swarmed with girls and parents asking about whether or not I will marry them or their daughters. I laugh nervously and quickly dash to Tazuna's House.

"Phew that was close," I say as I knock on the door. Hearing grumpy footsteps I chuckle knowing exactly who it is. My suspicions were right when Tazuna opened the door.

"N-NARUTO!" He Yelled bringing His daughter and Grandson down to the door. I rub the back of my neck nervously.

"Hey old man," I say giving them a smile that could take down an army of women.

"Naruto-Kun what are you doing here?" Tsunami asked while inari threw himself at my legs. i chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Well I was banished from the leaf and I didn't know where to go so I thought I ould stay here for tonight?" I say rubbing the back of my head.

"Of course you can stay here!" Tsunami says smiling.

"Alright, why don't you come in," Tazuna said pulling Inari off of me. I nod and make five shadow clones Turning to them I state.

"Plant some clues as to where I am around the nations Just incase Danzo or anyone wants me. They won't find me." I say and The clones Nod and run out of the house.

"So what do you want to eat?" Tsunami asks.

"RAMEN! DATTEBAYO!" I yell while everyone laughs at my behavior.

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