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3rd POV

It had been a few days since Kitsune and Kakashi started being roommates, and right now Kitsune was walking around. He wanted to see an old place he used to visit again so here he was walking to the swing with an orange ice cream popsicle that is yet to be open. 

When he got there he didn't expect to see the toad sage Jiraiya sitting under it looking at the ground. So doing what any person would do he snapped the orange popsicle in half and walked over to the sad man. 

Jiraiya was sitting down in the place he had seen Naruto, his lost student, sit so many times in the past. If only he wasn't such a coward he should have had the courage to go up to his godson and he should have known him sooner. He should have been there.

The sad whited haired man kept sitting there until he heard someone. 

"You want one?" Jiraiya looked up and saw a man wearing two masks bending down holding half of an orange popsicle to him.  Images of Naruto and him eating those same popsicles reached his mind and Jiraiya had to hold the tears in. Jiraiya smiled a little and grabbed the popsicle. He hadn't had one since Naruto left and he stopped sending letters so Jiraiya assumed the worst and was now in a self-made depression. He hadn't peeked on women in such a long time he lost interest.

"You know I haven't had one of these in years. I stopped when I didn't have the same feeling I used to get when I ate them with someone special." Stated the man.

"You call me Kitsune if you want." The man spoke as Jiriayas eyes turned into dinner plates. He was eating a popsicle with RED FUCKING KITSUNE!!! 

"Well I got to get going I'll see you soon," Kitsune said as he walked away. When he was a far distance away he said something under his breath.

"Pervy Sage..." 


As Kitsune was walking away he noticed a waterfall that seemed deserted. So him being him walked up the waterfall. Literally. When he was at the top, he looked for anyone. Seeing no one he pulled down his mask. And started singing. Unknown to him 6 people were watching him. Team Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Tsunade.

Sakura's heart jumped out of her chest as she heard the singing. Everyone was behind kitsune so she could only assume he looked good with his mask down. Kakashi looked happy for the first time in a while because the song sounded so much like naruto and his life.

Iruka swore he saw three whiskers while he was watching the man sing. And that made him want to cry but he didn't he waited till the song was done. Tsunade, on the other hand, was crying It just reminded her so much of naruto and how he used to sing to her. that's right when she was having nightmares about the loved ones she couldn't save Naruto was always willing to sing her to sleep. He had such a soothing voice it helped her sleep.  

Jiraiya had a faraway look in his eyes as he listened to the man sing. It reminded him of his student. Sasuke's normally stocic face looked more like a face of sadness with unsheided tears in his eyes. He knew exactly why it sounded like naruto's life and future. Because it was. The whole song was about Naruto. 

Okay I'm done! Its short really short but I really wanted you guys to have a chapter. And You know I had to add that song for plot convenience. So basically this chapter is a filler but still.


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