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What NARUTO/Kitsune looks Like (Just his Mask is on not on his head)~ 

3rd POV

Kitsune was now in the Hokages Office with the group of Leaf ninja he once knew, Of course, no one knew that well except one. He and a genuine smile on his face when he saw The Hokage wearing A Beautiful Jacket and Shinning earings. Everyone was surprised by the smile especially the Konoha 11 seeing as they only saw Kitsune smile once, the rest of the time he just smirked. 

Something about the smile that was hidden behind Kitsunes Mask reminded Lady Hokage of someone Very special to her. Looking around the room Kitsiune's smile grew He saw a specific series that He may or may not have written. He looked at the walls and saw all the pictures He maybe sent her. Okay, he did send her all of it but hey it doesn't count.

"You know he based one of the characters off of you," Kitsune says as he sits down in front of Tsunade's desk. He watched as her eyes widened and then he noticed something no one else did. He saw the tear that ran down her face and the smile that showed a lot of sadness.

"Naruto..." Tsunade mumbled under her breath, Only being heard by Kitsune. 

"So I was wondering where I will be staying and How much money I will get But I don't need much seeing as I like you so I'll give you a discount, You only have to pay half of my usual price," Kitsune said getting straight to business after he said the little hint that no one picked up on. Tsunade sighed in relief. Kitsune's prices were High!

"You can stay with Kakashi One of my Ninja. But fair warning he has been acting weird since one of his students was banished. He just doesn't forgive himself." Tsunade warned. Kitsune was pleasantly surprised, but he didn't show it. 

"It's fine I'm sure he's cool," Kitsune said in a warm voice that no one heard. and He only used that voice with Tsunade. This confused everyone. Soon enough a man Poofed in with a book in his hand. Not his usual Makeout paradise No it was a new book called "A hero's forgotten Adventure" More known as Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze's book that had grown quite popular in the hidden villages.

"You called Lady Tsunade." Kakashi droned. Kitsune noted that his voice sounded a lot sadder than he remembered. 

"I hope you don't mind but Kitsune here will be your new roommate till his job is done,"  Tsunade answered while gesturing to Kitsune who had his hands behind his head. Kakashi looked at the blonde man and as he observed him He toom note of his position that reminded him so much of His lost student that it hurt. He also took note of his eyes and hair that looked so similar. But what made him stop was the blonde's clothes the reminded him of his sensei's.

"I don't mind at all," Kakashi spoke in his usual flat tone.

"Well, that's all I needed to know. Kakashi right? You live here! You must know a good Ramen place!" Kitsune asked with an enthusiasm in his voice he somehow only used with Kakashi. This went noticed by Konoha 11. They realized that he only spoke In a different manner when he liked someone. With Sasuke it was friendly and happy, Konohamaru it was proud and warm, with Tsunade it was comforting and warm. With Kakashi, though it was different they didn't know why but it was, Kitsune sounded happier with him and he also sounded fond of him somehow.

Kakashi just nodded his head and lead Kitsune to A place he now went to frequently. Ichiraku Ramen. A place he used to leave money to pay for some of his lost student's meals not that the student ever knew or that's what he thought. As they were walking Kakashi was somehow captivated by Kitsune. That's when he noticed the tail and ears.

'Weird...' Kakashi thought going back to his book.

"You know That you are one of Naruto's favorite people," Kitsune said as he continued to walk in his relaxed but tense manner hands on the back of his head. He walked past the now frozen Kakashi. Kakashi was standing there. He couldn't believe it he betrayed him, He betrayed Naruto! Yet he is still one of Naruto's Favorite people! Naruto should at his guts. Hell, he hated his own guts!  He didn't notice but some tears slipped.

Kitsune taking notice of this walked up to the frozen man and wiped the tears away. Making the man look at him. Kitsune smiled and put his hand back down.

"You know there is a character based off of you in a later book. It's going to be coming out soon. I'll have him send it to you." Kitsune continued. Kakashi on the other hand felt like his world stopped when Kitsune touched his face it felt like the world had stopped. Then the smile oh h-

'What the fuck am I thinking! Stop it Kakashi! Stop! But the Smile~... NO!!' Kakashi was gained his cool back and gave Kitsune an eye smile. Kitsune smirked seemingly knowing what was going on in his head. 

"Well Let's go!" Kitsune yelled as Kakashi and him, walked side by side. When they got to Ichiraku. Kitsune and Kakashi walked in. Teuchi and Ayame were making their usual Naruto special ramen that they stop selling. They made one bowl every day just incase he came back, even though they knew it was unlikely.

""Hey There Old man! I would like a bowl of the best thing in the World!" Kitsune says in a cheerful and loudish tone. Teuchi and Ayame almost dropped the bowl of ramen they were making as they heard a nickname Teuchi hasn't been called since Naruto was banished. 

"Oh! That smells great! Can I have that!!" Kitsune asked in the same cheerful tone. Ayame intervined.

"I'm sorry but we don't sell this anymore this bowl is for some one important to us." Ayame told Kitsune nicely. Kitsune grew a Smile that no one expected. It was like he knew exactly what she was talking about.  Teuchi walked up to kitsune which no one expected well except Kitsune himself.  Teuchi studied Kitsune Mummbeing something like damn brat has a repleca.  Teuchi looked at Kitsune's eyes and their was a familiar mischief in them. 

"Well then I'll get the miso with an extra egg Old Man!" Kitsune said as he walked past the man and into his seat.  Teuchi and Ayame made the ramen and watched as Kitsune pulled down his black mask that covered half of his face.  He was leaning so no one from any angle could see the bottom part of his face.

Soon enough there were stacks among stacks of empty bowls of ramen. 

"Damn I haven't had any good ramen in years!" Kistune Exclaimed. 

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