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3rd POV

A blonde man was walking through a forest wearing a fox mask (Picture above) walking through the forest wearing.

A blonde man was walking through a forest wearing a fox mask (Picture above) walking through the forest wearing

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(I know not that much is different but go with it. Oh and he has the mask on) 

He was soon surrounded by Konoha Leaf Shinobi. (Did that make sense?) A group he was quite familiar with He smiled but his eyes were cold and observant.

"Crimson Kitsune we have a letter from the Hokage." said a teenager with a pineapple-shaped hairstyle as he threw the blonde the scroll. The now identified Crimson Kitsune chuckled.

"Oh, and what does baa-chan need?" The man asks the once smiling face turned into a smirk as the man looked at the ninja's faces that showed surprise and confusion. Kitsune unrolled the scroll and started reading.

Dear Crimson Kitsune, 

As you may know, Oto and Iwa have declared war on Konoha. Konoha has been falling apart after all our alliances were cut off. So we thought if we had your help in the war we could at least have a fighting chance to at least survive. Please consider you will obviously be paid the amount of money you wish but we are in great need. 

This one is Personal seeing as you know a lot of people I was wondering if you know a boy by the Name of Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. You see He is like a son to me and I haven't heard from him in a while. I'm really worried. 

Lady Tsunade, Fifth Hokage, Legendary Sanin

The blonde looked up with an indifferent face. He looked at all the Ninja and they were all looking at him with hope. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I am really your only shot aren't I?" asked kitsune. They all nodded.

'Never thought I would see Konoha 11 so hopeful for me to help them'  Thought Kitsune. They stood in silence for a while Konoha 11's spirts dropped during this silence.

"Well are you going to lead the way or do I have to?" asked Kitsune. The group hastily showed Kitsune the way to Konoha.

"So where are you from?" asked a pink-haired girl Konoha 11 knew as Sakura.

"Oh well I'm from Konoha," said Kitsune As every one shouted.

"WHAT?!" Kitsune rubbed his ears.

"You know if you guys keep yelling I'm not going to help." The blonde man threatened. After a while kitsune spoke up.

"Hey I count 10 people and by the looks of it you guys are from genin teams so wheres the other one?" he asked as he saw the look of guilt and shame on everyone's faces but one. The Other one was angry at Konoha 11. Kitsune's eyes turned to amusement as he watched the scene.

"Well you see he was our teammate, His name was Naruto but he was banished, and we haven't seen or heard from him in 4 years." (Naruto was banished at age 12 so he and everyone else are 16-17 years old) answered Sakura

"Oh You Mean Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze? I know him... Great guy."Kitsune said as he watched everyone's eyes light up, "Ya' the only person on his team he liked was this guy name Sasuke... Uchiha? Yea Uchiha. He told me he thought of Sasuke as a brother in everything but blood." Sasuke had a small smile on his face that only Kitsune caught, "Yea Naruto, also told me about this group he was in I think it was called Konoha 11? That's you guys, right? Well, he told me they were all... Oh, wait I don't think you guys want to know what he said" Kitsune snickered at everyone's concerned faces.

"K-Kits-Kitsune-san-n w-what did N-Naruto-Kun s-say about us?" asked a girl with pale eyes and blue hair.

"Are you sure you guys want to know?" Asked Kitsune as everyone nodded, "You have been warned but whatever. He said that Konoha 11 was dead to him, well except Sasuke of course." Kitsune smirked at the deflated and sad aura's Konoha 11 was emitting, 'well except Sasuke of course'.

"Are you sure he said that?" asked Sakura in a saddened tone.

"Well, of course, he did how would you feel about someone who betrayed you." Everyone fell silent. Kitsune walked over to Sasuke and whispered something in his ear. Sasuke lit up which was out of character for Sasuke because after Naruto's banishment Sasuke was cold, mean, and distant. Sasuke and Kitsune fist-bumped and started talking like old friends. Konoha 11 watched the pair as they laughed and shared stories. Kitsune's were always more interesting and exciting. Mainly because The blonde man knew how to story tell. The funniest story Kitsune told was when he bought his mask.

"So I was in Kumo, I didn't buy the mask yet so once I stepped foot in the Village I was swarmed with Girls and Women Trying to get me to date them. I was literally being chased and followed It took me 5 hours just to shake them off. I was hiding in a mask store and I saw this Fox mask. I quickly bought it and put it on. I walked out of the store only to see Fangirls looking High and Low for me. I ran to the Kage tower to get my mission from him and left immediately after." Kitsune said shivering at the memory Sasuke was laughing at him. (Not the Best story, Because I'm not the best storyteller) Konoha 11 was now wondering what he looked like without the mask.

They had 2 more days left before they reached Konoha and let's just say Kitsune was not happy he had to go back to that hell hole but he didn't want to let down his Baa-chan and little brother.

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