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3rd POV

Sasuke and the SSS-Class ninja were talking while Konoha 11 looked rather unnerved, I mean who wouldn't when you see the bingo page of him.


Tsunade was practically pulling out her hair she was trying to think of a way to stay alive in the upcoming war. Konoha lost all their allies because What they neglected to realize was that Naruto was the one who brought in all those allies. Standing in front of The very frustrated Hokage was Konoha 11 and their Sensei's. Kakashi came in holding a book, the Bingo Book to be exact.

"Hokage-sama what if we hire someone. Like Him." Kakashi says as he places the open bingo book in front of Lady Tsunade. Tsunade looked at the book before freezing over. Everyone crowded around to see what was on the page.

Bingo Book Entry~

Name: Unknown

Called: Red Kitsune

Village: Unknown

Taijutsu: Godly, Faster than the eye can see

Ninjutsu: Godly, Can use the Yellow Flashes Flying Thunder God and Many more

Genjutsu: Kage 

KenJustu: AMBU 

Fuinjutsu: Master

Sex: male

Age: Looks around 16-17

Height: 6'1

Eyes: Ocean Blue

Hair: Blonde

Flee on Sight, Your better of Killing yourself and asking for forgiveness rather than even thinking about aproaching

Bounty: 100,000,000 ryos (Don't know how much that cost but I assume its alot)

Everyone in the room, Council memebers, Konoha 11 and their sensei's, and the hokage, Did a great impression of fish. No one dared to speak until Kakashi who was uneffected having already read it, broke the silences.

"So should we Hire him?" He casually asked. Not trusting her voice Tsunade Nodded her head.

Flashback End~

They settled down for the night everyone was sitting around the fire pit Konoha 11 was biting their tounge because they wanted to ask about Naruto. The most unexpected person broke the silence. Hinata.

"I-I Kn-Know y-you s-said N-Naruto-kun h-hated u-us b-but c-can y-you tell u-u-us h-how he i-is?" Hinata stuttered out. Everyone held their breath except Kitsune and Sasuke. Suddenly Kitsune Burst out laughing.

"Kami I got you Guys Good. Naruto Doesn't have a single bone in his body that allows him to hate some one." Kitsune laughed at them wiping a tear out of his oddly fimiliar eye. Konoha 11 wanted so badly to yell at him but knew they could end up dead, "I mean He doesn't hate any of you he just dislikes one. I think he called her a Pink Banshee. Kami what's her name again" Kitsune had a fingure hitting the bottom of his chin, in a moking manner, " OH, I know it was Sakura! Damn from what he's told me about her she's a bitch." Kitsune kept disregarding that Sakura was sitting right next to him with a hurt and angry face. Everyone around the fire was trying to hide their laugh at how Kitsune really didn't care about how upset she was going to be as he spoke.

"THAT CAN'T BE TRUE! NARUTO HAD THE BIGGEST CRUSH ON ME!!" Sakura screeched ready to hit him, litterally her hand was coming down on his head. Kitsune quickly caught her wrist.

"I gues Your Sakura Huh? Naruto's description of you was SPOT on." Kitsune smoothly  said emphasizing the word spot.

"Oh and what was his description of Sakura?" Sasuke asked, Making many people look at him weird one thought crossed the konoha ninja's Mind.

'was he egging him on?'

"Well Naruto so perfectly said she had practaclly fake pink hair with a receding hairline, Can't do anything but complain and scream, Oh and my personal favorite he said her secert jutsu is call..." Kitsune got up and put his arms close to his body and curved his legs, "SASUKE-KUN HELP!" Kitsune mocked being frantic and imitated her voice so it didn't sound like her but it still sounded like a banshee. (Sorry for anyone who liked Sakura it's just I really don't like her) 

Sakura was fumming, Sasuke was on the floor laughing which was odd but no one said anything. 

"Well It's getting late lets get to sleep I'll take night watch." Kitsune says, walking up a tree ignoring everyone. 

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