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3rd POV

Kitsune is a family man. Now, this might come as a surprise because the man is known as the most fearsome and Viscous ninja to ever live. So when a little, as the villagers like to say "Street rat", Bumps into him one would assume that the little street kid would die. But that is not the case. Not by a long shot. When said "Street rat" bumped into the blonde mystery something completely different happened.

"Sorry! Sir!" The scared boy yelled bowing down at a 90-degree angle. Normally when he bumped into someone while play tag with the other street kids he would normally come back bleeding or bruised. So he expected the worst seeing as he bumped into the person everyone had hoped to keep war out of Konoha. The kids he was playing with were all hiding in the crowd watching. But what shocked all the kids was when you could feel the friendly warmth and what really confused them was a hint of familiarity with what had just happened.

"No it's okay. Wasn't your fault." The man responded in a friendly manner through the mask the kids could see his eyes glaze over like he was remembering something. Then even through the mans mask the kids could feel the brightest smile they had seen in a while. 

You see as we have mentioned before. There were a few people who believed Naruto should not have been banished. And the Street kids were one of them. We have discussed how naruto used to sing for Tsunade but what we have failed to mention Naruto also used to meet the street kids in the park by the time all the kids were eating dinner with their families. Naruto would bring them food even though he barely ate at times it never mattered to him.He would always serve the kids and then as the sun set he would do some hand signs and music would start. 

Its said that he created that one himself and he is never going to teach it to anyone, Only for his kids.

Naruto would Sing for the kids till they were done with their meals then he would start dancing with them as he sang. It was their thing and no one knew about it. But it their was a code the Street kids would teach the newer street kids. It was a beat. They would teach the newer street kids a beat. I know your thinking what The fuck do you mean by a Beat. 

Well When Naruto first started this tradition he would start hand drumming a beat as he waited for the kids to come out of hiding. So as the meetings frequented the kids asked to learn the beat he always drummed. So when they fully learned it they taught it to the other street kids. This allowed them to communicate always meant warm food and a warm shower and clothes. 

So when naruto was heading to the park that one very important night and he heard that very same tune he would drum as he waited for the kids he couldn'f help but smile, no he beamed. it might have been sunset but every kid swore they saw the sun come out just for 10 seconds. 

So when the kids saw that smile you could see all of the kids do a double take. 

"Well I got somethings to do before it hits dinnertime but I'll see you around and Look out your friends have you surrounded." The man said as he walked away. But what made the kid who bumped into him freeze is that the mans hands where drumming a tune. A tune every single kid on the streets knew by heart. Once The kid saw the drumming of the quiet tune. he subconsciously started doing it too. making the other kids fo it to until every civilian in konoha could Hear the tapping of the tune. This made the man smile as he walked away.

~ Time Skip ~

It was now 30 minutes till dinner time and Kakashi was watching as his new house guest finished making 100 meals maybe more. He asked why he was doing it an hour ago but only got a short, "Its tradition". So when he said he was leaving, Kakashi nodded and concealed his chakra perfectly even though he knew that Kitsune would know he was there that didn't stop Kakashi from following and watching staying in the shadows. As he followed the masked man he realized that kitsune was heading towards the Park. Which was weird... Really weird

Kitsune was setting up the food for the kids it was tradition so when he was done he put some blankets on the ground. He knew he was being watched by lots of people first it was the street kids, then it was Konoha 11 and their sensei's, Tsunade, Iruka, and Jiraiya. So all eyes on him you know.

When he finished he started drumming that same tune that the others had heard earlier that day. And to the others shock Kids came running out of the alley ways and trees. The kids gathered around the man. And one started yelling.

"See I told you it was him! Its big brother! I told you he would come back!" He yelled as the others cheered. This raised a lot of questions for the stalking party. Well except Sasuke, he just sighed thinking ,'Of Course he does...' he shook his head as he queitly chuckled. Kitsune laughing breaking the stalkers out of their thoughts.

"Yes I'm back but I don't know for how long and Call me brother for now Can't have my Name getting out to the public now can I?" Kitsune asked as all the kids started nodding or responding with an okay or something along those lines.

"Well then... LET THE EATING COMMENCE!!"Kitsune yelled. As he started handling out bowls of the best smelling ramen in the world. He also started polling out Soda. Giving them to the kids when everyone had their food and started eating Kitsune started doing handsigns No sharingain could Copy. Music started playing.

(its a good song just try it)

The kids listened and ate their food. They took their time with their food and they even joined in on the singing at times. When the song finished Kitsune asked what song they wanted to here nexted and the "watching" party saw a smile form on his covered lip.

"You guys still remember that song? Ha I should have guessed it is the first song I sang you wasn't it?" Kitsune asks as he does something no one expected. He took off his fox mask leaving only the black mask that covered the bottom half of his face. As he pulled it away from his face and put it on the side of his head. Sadly with his hair falling right into his face only leaving his eyes revealed. So their was no difference.

The Kids had finished their food in the beginning of the song so they ere dancing with Kitsune. As The "Spectators" watched they couldn't help but smile.

"Okay kids I have clothes and I set up a bath house for you guys in my little portal so chop! Chop! You guys need a shower." Kitsune said as he made a line passing new clothes.

"Hey brother were did you get these you were in a ny clothing stores today?" asked a little mint haired girl.

"You don't think I forgot about you in my time away did you?" Asked Kitsune as he pulled out more clothes out of literally no where. The blonde sighed as he sat down and waited for them. they took awhile so he dozed off under the tree in the soft grass. He was pretty much beat and just from standing at a distance "the Muskateers" But their are more, knew because exhaustion just flowed off of him in the tons. So when the kids came out all nice and clean in new clothes and everything, they took one look at Kitsune and then started packing up.

When they were done they put a blanket on Kitsune and they dispersed. And soon the stalking group left. Leaving only Kakashi as he walks up to Kitsune. He squatts down next to the blonde teenager he finds out looking at his half covered face. Kakashi moves some of the blonde hair out of the sleeping mans nose. Kakashi then picked up the "sleeping" man. 

When he finally made it home and opened the door he looked down for a minute only to see a shit eating grin matched with tired eyes. 

"You were up the whole time weren't you?" Kakashi breathed out with a sigh.

"You know it!" Kitsune says as he snuggled into kakashi's arms, "You know you are pretty warm right and nice and comfy. I'm stay here tonight." Kitsune says as he falls back asleep. Kakashi sighed. He wasn't a confrontational person, like at all. But hey he didn't really care at this point so he put Kitsune in his bed and he climbed in too. He then flopped down and completely ignore the new weight on his back. 

They both fell asleep completely unaware of what was going to happen tomorrow.

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