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3rd POV

"To bad he'sss probably dead," Orochimaru said. Getting ready to attack. Then he heard a chuckle. A loud one at that. He turned to the side, well everyone did. Only to see Red Kitsune. 

"I'm pretty sure I'm Alive thank you very much!" Red kitsune said as he pulled his mask to the side of his head and took off his mask putting it in his hoodie pocket. He had a light-hearted smile with his hands on the back of his head walking.

"NARUTO!" Yelled almost everybody as they looked at The blonde in question who gave them a smile and a nod

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"NARUTO!" Yelled almost everybody as they looked at The blonde in question who gave them a smile and a nod.

"WHAT NO! YOUR SSSSSSSUPPOSED TO BE DEAD! I SSSSSENT AN ARMY TO KILL YOU!" Orochimaru yelled as he saw the very living Naruto.

"Oh them. I tested my newest Genjutsu on them. It was quite effective. I didn't even have to do anything. once they were out of the Genjutsu they just killed themselves. It was really sad to watch. I buried them and put some flowers that never die on their graves. You should go to visit." Naruto suggested as he walked towards them like he was going out to the park without a care in the world. Naruto then saw the Hokages.

"DAD!" Naruto yelled as he spotted Minato. Minato looked like he was crying and now about to cry again. You see Once Minato heard just the watered-down version of Naruto's life he thought that his son would hate him. So after hearing his son call him dad with lots of happiness in his voice You could tell he was surprised and about to cry tears of Joy. Before anyone could blink naruto was in front of his dad tackling him into a Bear hug. He soon got off of his surprised Father and turned to Hiruzen.

"Jiji! Its good to see you again!" Naruto yelled as he pulled Hiruzen into a headlock as he ruffled the old man's hair. All in all, it was a sight to see. Worlds deadliest man ruffling a dead man's hair.

"Naruto Your Red Kitsune!" Tsunade who was still in shock yelled.

"Sure am! Baa-Chan! Ya'know It is really weird they call me that I barely have any red on me besides the tiny bit on my clothes and hair. And I only have ears and a tail. I mean My name could have been way cooler!" Naruto whined as Minato chuckled as he watched his Son make everyone in a 10-mile radius sweatdrop.

"Who is Red Kitsune?" asked Tobirama as he watched Naruto be way to cheerful from what he has been through.

"Well, Red kitsune is the deadliest person in the elemental nations. He basically knows everything about the ninja arts and Is also a savior in many villages. But the only problem was he never showed his face and No one knew his name till now." Jiraiya explained. Naruto looked at him for a second before beaming.

"PERVY SAGE! I didn't know I was that popular! He did you read my book! Its awesome isn't it!" Naruto rambled not even caring that he was in the middle of a war and Orochimaru was sneaking up behind him. Orochimaru jumped up swinging down his sword about to kill Naruto.

"LOOK OUT! NARUTO/SON!!" The Hokages and two Sanin yelled as they watched in horror as naruto was about to die in front of them. In the blink of an eye, Naruto pulled out his sword booking Orochimaru's attack with one hand while yawning with the other.

"You know if you want to sneak up on me Your going to have to get rid of that god awful smell of yours. Like seriously you need to take a shower." Naruto said as he continued to block Orochimaru's attacks with one hand as he rambled to his father like he was doing nothing. 

when Orochimaru realized he wasn't getting anywhere he teleported in front of Tsunade and brought his sword down.

This was where she was going to die. She just saw Naruto again and now she is dying she can't even hear his singing voice one more time. Or hug him again. She can't even hug him again. 

Just when she closed her eyes for the impact that never came she opened them once again to see The Back of naruto who had just teleported in front of Tsunade blocking the sword with his own.

"Now it has gotten Serious" Was all the now angry blonde said as he got into a fighting position.

I know its Short But I kind of felt bad for the "CliffHanger" 


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