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3rd POV

It was god awful early in the morning when Kakashi woke up to Him hold RED KITSUNE in his arms protectively, while said man played with Kakashi's hair.

"Oh, you're awake!" Kitsune said as he looked at Kakashi who was beyond confused. Kakashi ultimately sighed already done with today. Kakashi removed his arms from Kitsune and sat up.

"What time is it?" Kakashi asked.

"No clue." was Kitsune's intelligent response, "Anyway I got some things to do see you later." Kitsune said as he vanished. Kakashi sighed again. It wasn't till after he had gotten ready when he heard and felt Hundreds to thousands of chakras and then came the loudest bang ever. Kakashi knew what had just happened and he didn't like it at all. The village was under attack. His first instect told him to evacuate everyone he possibly can And that first started with the kids street or not. So when he was evacuating people he saw all of the destroyed buildings and some no I mean a lot of dead body Konoha or sound ninja.

(I like how it came from a nice and peaceful morning to WAR)

At the front gate was Orochimaru, Tsunade, and Jiraiya, who were fighting. They were fighting for what seemed to be hours in reality it was only 1 hour. They were wiped out and the village was almost in ruins Genin to Jonin were all fighting  the invading village. Orochimaru wjo knew if he didn't do something quick to destract them he wouldn't be able to pull through the battle. So he used the ressurection Jutsu. And out came 4 coffins. Inside each was a hokage all walking out only to see a war zone.

"Oh My Kami! What happened to Konoha!" Shouted the First Hokage, Hashirama.

"Wait this is Konoha? Are they in War again?" Aske the Fourth Hokage, Minato.

"Who are you? Hiruzen What is going on?" asked the Second Hokage, Tobirama, as he looked at the fourth hokage.

"Well Lord Second it would appear we Have been resurected in a time of War." Hiruzen responded as he looked around, specifically looking for a certain blonde.

"I'm the fourth Hokage, My name is Minato Namikaze. Its a pleasure to meet you Lord Second, Lord First. But I too want to know How could we be summoned back?" Asked Minato as he spotted his sensei. 

"Jiraiya-Sensei! Its good to see you again! Where's Naruto!" Yelled Minato as he became excited to see his son. 

"Yes, Where is Naruto. I haven't seen him since I died." Hiruzen added. Hashirama and Tobirama looked confused.

"Who is Naruto?" they asked as they looked at the beaming Blonde hokage.

"He's My son! I didn't get tomeet him Since I died right after he was born!" Minato said in a sad but happy tone. 

"Oh you mean that Demon Brat. I'm glad Konoha got rid of him. Because if he were here Thissssss invade would have never been ssssssuccessssful." Orochimaru smirked as he said that and watched the Hokages Turn to him Two were angry, The other two were angry and Confused.

"What does he mean By Demon Brat?" Asks Hishirama in an angry tone. He couldn't belive some one would call a kid that.

"I had to make Naruto the jinchuriki of the nine tails to save him and the village."He responded in a just as angry maybe even more angry tone.

"Minato I'm sorry to tell you this but things didn't go as you planned. Naruto was never seen as the hero of the village for holding the nine tails quite the opposite actually."Hiruzen said in a slow sad tone.

"W-What do you m-mean? I-t can't b-be that bad can it?" Asked Minato scared it was as bad as his head made it seem.

"Why don't you share with the class Hiruzen-Sensei~" Orochimaru said, saying senseo with menace.

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