Melanie Barrett, not new to town and everyone knows this. Everyone has seen her walk down the halls of the school and everyone has seen her hang around the Duskers. Now what if her friends have a deep secret and she becomes a part of it?
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"Jesse got tired of waiting, so he sent me to come pick you up." The vamp says. "Guess you are just the delivery boy after all." Sarah says causing Melanie to purse her lips in amusement. "At least I know who's side I'm on...fledgling." The vamp says as he continues walking forward causing the four of them to back away. "Okay, um. Can I just grab a slice before you do your whole vampire trash talk thing?" Benny questions.
"Benny!" Ethan and Melanie hiss. "What? If I'm going to have a last meal, I want it to be the Italiano Deluxe." Benny whispers causing Ethan to nod in realization. "Right, heh." Ethan says. "With extra garlic!" Ethan exclaims causing Benny to run over and push the whole pizza onto the vamp, smoke coming from him while he hisses. "Gotcha." Benny says as he laugh. "Go, go, go!" Benny exclaims as the vamp turns to us.
Jane rushes up the stairs first while screaming, then it was Ethan, then Melanie, then Benny. They ran into Benny's room, Jane sitting next to Melanie as they try to catch their breaths. "I don't think she's winning." Ethan says. "Of course she's not winning, she's not a real vampire yet." Benny says. "She's a vampire?" Jane questions causing Melanie to lean over and sigh. "Uhh." Benny and Ethan say as they turn. "Why is the pizza guy acting so crazy?" Jane questions again.
"He's just upset about not getting paid." Melanie says as she pats Jane's shoulder. "I'm calling Mom and Dad." Jane says as she pulls out a phone, from seemingly nowhere. "No, no, no, don't." Ethan says as he walks over. "You just have to trust me on this one." Ethan says. "You make my bed for a whole week." Jane says holding the phone out of Ethan's reach. "It' a deal. Thank you." Ethan says as Jane gives him the phone.
He then leans against the door. "Somebody's coming." Ethan says causing them to panic. "The bed!" Melanie exclaims as they start to move the bed over to barricade the door. "Let me in hurry!" Sarah exclaims causing the trio to groan as they move it back. Melanie opens the door and brings Sarah in. "What happened?" Melanie questions. "Where is he?" Benny questions after. "Let's just say I introduced him to some of your Mom's good silverware." Sarah says causing Melanie to grimace.
"What do you have for weapons?" Sarah questions. "Um I don't know." Ethan says as he and Benny look for anything weapon like as Melanie and Sarah barricaded the door. "Hah! Hah! Hah! How about this?" Ethan questions showing the girl the trophy. "A debating trophy?" Sarah and Melanie question. "It's the pointiest!" Ethan says. "Ugh." Melanie groans as she holds the door shut. "Hey, hey! We can make a stake out of this!" Benny exclaims holding up a hockey stick. "No, no, no, no, no." Ethan says. "That is autographed." Ethan says. "By who?" Benny questions. "Ryan Seacrest?! Really?" Benny questions.
"These are perfect! Sharp and wooden." Ethan says as he sharpens pencils. "Great! If we're fighting vampire squirrels!" Sarah exclaims. "Guy's, he's coming! Hurry!" Sarah exclaims causing Melanie to leans even further against the door. "Did anyone ever tell you that you are a really bad babysitter?" Ethan questions. "I'm new at this." Sarah says just as the phone rings. "Don't answer it!" Sarah and Melanie exclaim. "Oh Sarah!" The vamp behind the door exclaims. "Hello?" Ethan questions as he answers the phone.
The vamp growls from behind the door causing Melanie to panic a bit. "Hey, Ma!" Ethan exclaims causing Melanie to turn to him with a 'what are you doing' look. "She can't really talk right now." Ethan says. "Okay." Ethan says after a few moments. Sarah breaks away causing Melanie to have an idea. "Hold on." She says as she rushes towards the window and opens it. "How is that supposed to help?" Benny questions. "Plan B!" She exclaims just as the vamp punches through the door.
"Ah!" Benny, Ethan, and Melanie scream as they back away. Thankfully Sarah hung up the phone. "Plan B." Sarah whisper shouts to Melanie. She smirks as she leads Jane out the window first, then Ethan, then Benny, and finally Melanie jumped out. She grabbed them and they started running, but of course they were blocked by the vamp. Melanie shields Jane just as Sarah jumped down and stabbed the vamp with a makeshift stake.
"Okay She may be a lousy babysitter, but that was the bomb!" Benny shouts as Sarah turns to them, her fangs barred, a smirk on her face. Jane ran back inside, Sarah, Melanie, Benny, and Ethan going at a slower pace. "Good luck cleaning this up before your folks get home." Sarah says. "What, this? This is nothing." Ethan says as he looks around, Pizza scattered everywhere, there was even one on the wall.
"It's amazing she can sleep now." Melanie says as she walks over. "Yeah, Grandma's got the magic touch." Benny says. Melanie tunes everything else out, until Sarah went out the door. "Say hi to Erica for me." Benny says causing Melanie to giggle. Suddenly Benny's cell phone rang. "Should I even bother picking up?" Benny questions. "Why not?" Ethan questions. "Benny! Wazzup?!" Melanie heard the familiar voice of Rory say. "Wazzuuuuahhh." Benny says. "Wazzuuuup?" Rory says again causing Melanie to laugh. "You guys are lame; That's what's up." Ethan says as they walk down the hallway.
After a while Melanie noticed they were gone. "Garage." Benny's Grandma says, a smirk on her face. "Thanks." Melanie says as she walks towards the garage where she sees the boys working on something. "What are you two doing?" Melanie questions. "We need to help our friend Rory, he's at that Vampire party." Ethan says causing Melanie to frown. "I'm coming with you." She says. "But-" Ethan and Benny start but she holds one finger up silencing them both. "I'm going to do this." She says. "He's my friend too." She says a small smile on her face.
They were driving down the street, eventually catching sight of Sarah. "Excuse me miss, but uh, could you tell us where the vampire party's at?" Ethan questions causing Melanie to smile. "Okay, I'm acting crazy cause I got bit; what's your excuse?" Sarah questions. She then gets into the car and drives them to the house. "Wow, even this place just screams 'I'm a vampire'." Melanie says as she sighs.
"Okay, you guys stay in the car. Got it?" Sarah says. "No way!" Ethan exclaims. "Stay! I'll be back as soon as I can with Erica and your friend , okay?" Sarah questions. "Oh come on, we can-" Ethan stops as Sarah snarls at him. "Got it." Ethan says as he looks away. "I actually wanted to stay in the car, so that works for me." Benny says causing Sarah to nod and leave.
"Come on, we can't let her do this alone." Ethan says as he grabs Benny's shirt. "Hey, hey! Easy with the shirt." Benny says causing Melanie to roll her eyes and get out of the car. "Come on." She says as she hops onto the bricks and starts balancing on them to walk in. Ethan and Benny look at each other but just follow her. Eventually the sound of laughter and music came closer. "Here." Melanie says as she hops down and hides behind a shrub, Benny and Ethan following.