A Guardian and a Lenoran, Coming to South Town, and A Sudden Realization

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Chapter Eight: A Guardian and a Lenoran

    A few hours down the trail, the Soulhunter girl had closed in again on Noxx and Rellik. She rode off the trail and got in front of them. She found a small rocky outcropping, about thirty feet high that overlooked the trail. She went up onto it and knelt down behind the rocks. She had used the power that all Soulhunters had to find them; as their name implied they hunted down bounties by sensing the very soul of whoever they were after. The most powerful of their group could sense souls nearly anywhere in Veru, but they were few in number. She planned on leaping down and killing Rellik first and then Noxx.

    She took out the dagger at her belt and it suddenly grew into a long sword by her mental command. If one looked closely at the sword, they would see small lines etched into the surface of the blade. These lines were the same length as the dagger was from line to line. The sword was hollow but was from the same technology as the Kainan. The sword could change from dagger to sword at the whim of the wielder.

    They were only a few minutes away, but something happened that she did not expect. She suddenly felt a strong hand on her shoulder; she jumped around sword in hand, ready to defend herself. But when she turned; she saw a figure dressed in a light gray cloak and dark green Guardian robes under it. The figure had the hood of the cloak up, but she instantly knew who he was. He crouched down beside her and she said in an annoyed tone, “Edras? What are you doing here?”

    Edras took off his hood. He had short red hair and light blue eyes. His face was thin and he had slightly pointed ears, “I am stopping you from killing yourself! There is no chance that you can kill these twoChosenby yourself! Rellik alone is more than your match…and the other one….”

    She swallowed hard and blushed when Edras mentioned him. Edras noticed this and said, “What? What has happened since you stormed out of theGreddMansion?”GreddMansionwas the world headquarters of the Soulhunters. It was on a huge estate that was at the very edge ofEastTownin the nation of Wayland.

    She closed her eyes and spoke softly, “I have already fought them. I used the charm they gave me at the mansion and it knocked out Rellik but not the other one. It didn’t affect him at all. He and I fought, I cut his face and he returned the favor…” she opened her eyes and pointed to her cheek.

    “I see…what else happened?” Edras asked as he looked at her cheek.

    “He grabbed me by my cloak and asked me who I was…but I didn’t say. Rellik woke up around then and I used that opportunity to get away. I knocked him backwards and got back to my sword, then I used the flare sphere to get out of the cave.” She explained.

    Edras shook his head and raised an eyebrow, “You were in the clutches of aChosenand all he did was ask you a question? That seems unlikely. NoChosenwould do that, you should have been killed.”

    Adara nodded and looked down, “I know…”

    “This is no ordinaryChosen…” Edras said and then drifted off into thought.

    Only a few moments passed when Edras narrowed his eyes and whispered, “I can hear two horses approaching.”

    Adara nodded and they both watched the road below them.

    Rellik and Noxx rode by at full gallop. Neither of them knew they were being watched, but Noxx felt his scar begin to tingle. He put his hand up to it and wondered why it did that. Adara felt her own wound tingle at the same time. She rubbed her cheek.

    Edras glanced at her and whispered, “What is wrong?”

    She dropped her hand and shook her head quickly, “Nothing, my cut is just a little…sore…” She whispered back.

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