More Innocent Death and Garigh the Healer

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More Innocent Death

    The store was one small square room with walls full of shelves and various items hanging from the ceiling. The shelves were filled with all manner of things, shrunken heads with hair dyed all the colors of the rainarch, skulls of different animals were there; some had rows of sharp teeth and looked ferocious even in death, and large clear glass jars filled with what looked like different body parts. Some were filled with eyes, some were filled with what looked like fingers and toes, and some were filled with entire heads. Noxx hoped they were animal parts, but he was not sure. From the ceiling hung headless chickens, entire fish skeletons held together by wire, and stuffed animals with glaring glass eyes, everything in the shop made Noxx’s skin crawl.

    Beyond the counter were several crossed spears and swords crossed over shields. The weapons were odd looking and seemed to be very old. Across from the door was a wooden counter with a doorway behind it that had a dingy curtain across it that separated it from the rest of the store. A silver bell with a small silver button on top of it was on the counter. The shopkeeper was nowhere in sight.

    “Stay by the door.” Rellik said and then walked over to the counter. He pushed the button on the bell and the bell began to ring with a shrill beat.

    The curtain was pushed aside and a short man with dark brown skin and black hair emerged from the back rooms. He wore dingy robes and had a goatee. His eyes were small and darted quickly from Rellik to Noxx and then back to Rellik. He was a man used to sizing up threats and these two Chosen were most definitely threats.

    “Can I help you, Chosen sirs? What can Trekkel do for you?” He asked. His voice had a thick accent that Noxx did not recognize.

    Rellik smiled, it was a cold thing as it always was, “We are looking for a very special sword.”

    Trekkel smiled, it was a calculating smile, he rubbed his hands together “I have many special swords…all for a price.”

    “I can afford them. This particular sword is very special.” Rellik said.

    “If the sir will only describe it.” Trekkel asked as his smile grew and his eyes glinted like little black jewels.

    “This blade is in a black case, a case as long as the sword and made of black stone. Have you seen a sword like that?” Rellik asked.

    Trekkel narrowed his eyes and he said, “Yes…I have. But why would you want a blade like that?”

    “I am a collector of sorts. This blade will make my collection. Do you have it?” Rellik replied in an offhand way.

    Trekkel nodded, “Very well…” He then knelt down and slid open a door in the back of the counter. When he stood back up, he held a four foot long black stone case that seemed to suck in all the light around it. When Noxx looked at it he felt a dread tugging at his heart that seemed to have claws. He wanted to turn and run.

    Trekkel put it down on the counter and said, “This sword is an odd blade that came to me much by accident and by much hazard. I am loathe to ask this…but how will the Chosen sir be paying?”

    Rellik narrowed his eyes at Trekkel, “Open it…”

    “As the Chosen sir wishes…” Trekkel said with a sigh and then he opened the case.

    The sword inside had a long, thin blade almost as thin as a Kainan blade, but this sword had two cutting edges and along the blade was strange script from the tip to the hilt. The hilt was long and curved to better fit the hand. Strange, vine-like designs were on the hilt. The blade had once been silvery-gray, but a thick covering of what looked like bloodstains covered the entire surface.

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