Dreams of the Past, Strange Visitors, and A Journey Begins

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Chapter Three: Dreams of the Past

    “Bring him up! Hurry!” Rellik yelled at Krannor who quickly hit the emergency lever and the chains quickly brought the cage back up. The Mancers and Rellik could not believe what they saw. The chair was broken into pieces. The cage was ripped open and Noxx was nowhere to be found.

    “What has happened?” Rellik asked, “Where is Noxx?”

    Jokuth looked at his screen, “He still lives…but I don’t know where he is.”

    Suddenly there was a splash and a hand came up out of the pool and grabbed at the floor. Then there was another hand and a head and shoulders followed. It was Noxx. He pulled himself out of the pool, but he was not wet. He looked as he had before. The Mancers and Rellik looked at him in amazement. He had his back towards them so Rellik said, “Turn and face us.”

    Noxx turned and they saw that he had changed somewhat. His hair had turned to black and his eyes were not the same color as they had been. Instead of brown, they were now very dark green around the edges, towards the middle they became a very light green, around his pupil was a ring of brown. He clenched his teeth and narrowed his eyes at the men before him. They could feel the energy inside of him and it made them all tremble. He took a step towards them and opened his mouth to say something, but his legs buckled and his eyes rolled back in his head. He then fell to the ground.

    Krannor jumped to his feet and ran over to Noxx’s body. He leaned down and checked his pulse; he then turned his head and said, “Jokuth!”

    Jokuth looked at the screen in front of him, “All of his vital signs are holding steady. He still lives.”

    Rellik walked over to Noxx’s body and stood across from Krannor, “Well, well, he was good for something after all.”

    “He has fared better than the other one did, but we must still monitor him.” Krannor then snapped his finger, “Bring a cot!” he said.

    The huge door slowly creaked open and four of the robed figures came into the room holding a red canvas and wooden frame cot. They came to where Rellik, Krannor and Noxx were. Rellik and Krannor moved out of their way and the figures put the cot down next to Noxx. They then picked him up and gingerly put him on the cot. Krannor and Rellik looked down at him; they then looked at each other. A smile crept across each man’s face; they had succeeded. The two men then shook hands. Krannor turned and walked towards the door.

    Krannor looked at Jokuth and the other Mancer and said, “Stay here and monitor him. If there are any changes, notify me at once.” Krannor then turned to Rellik, “Come, old friend, we have good news to share with our Masters.”

    Rellik laughed, “Indeed we do.” Then the two men left. They traveled down the corridor outside the room until they came to a stone staircase that twisted up into a tower. They went up the stairs and came to Lord Crandle’s quarters.

    It was little more than a big round room with a glass ceiling; dark, unnatural shadows covered the edges of the room. The stars overhead filled the sky and provided mute light down on the evils of Twisted Spine.

    Crandle stood in the center of the room and stared up at the stars. He was very ancient and none knew his true age. His hair was grey and hung from his wrinkled head in strands. His eyes were a very light yellow and his face was square shaped and it had been ravaged by time. He was dressed in ancient black, gray, and purple robes. He carried a simple looking red staff that was made out of an unreflective metal. The top of the staff had a dark yellow gem that was cut in the shape of a tiny skull. His hands looked like claws. He turned when he sensed the two men behind him.

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