The Assembly

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The Assembly

    After several minutes of walking down the twisting labyrinths in the depths of Stonekeep, they finally came to a large vaulted doorway. Beyond it was a huge room with a curved stone ceiling. A narrow elevated pathway went through the room; it was made of polished black stone. On either side of it were deep pools that came from walls of water that fell from the shafts cut into the top of the walls. Huge torches burned at the top of the walls, just above the shafts of water. At the far side of the room, maybe three hundred feet away, was an enormous set of white doors and on either side of it were Lenoran guards dressed in long, flowing silver and white robes. They both had long, brown hair and they looked straight ahead.

    “We are almost there.” Garigh said and he walked into the room followed by Edras and Noxx. Noxx marveled at the room as they walked through it. The sound of the water running down the walls was very soothing, he felt like curling up in the room and going to sleep. He then looked up at the ceiling and wondered how anyone could have built such a place. He wished Adara was there. He closed his eyes and bitterly smiled, what a foolish thought.

    When they reached the two guards, one of the guards said, “The Assembly is ready for you Grandmaster, please go in.”

    Garigh nodded, and the guards each grabbed the silver levers on the doors and pulled them open. The doors must have each weighed as much as a Harbinean Sea Hag, but the two Lenorans opened them like they weighed nothing. Noxx thought that was impressive until he saw the room beyond the doors.

    It was more of a cavern than a room. The ceiling loomed at least a hundred feet above his head. The stone ceiling was covered in a fresco that had seven panels surrounding a central panel. In the central panel was a silver shield and in the panels around it were seven Kainan blades that were each a different color; their blades pointed towards the shield.

    On either side of Noxx were stadium-like seats that were thirty levels high and covered with thick red moss. The seats were all full of Guardians and their families who all looked in stunned silence at Noxx. They sat in an arc in front of the Assembly. He was not sure he liked being on display like that. Directly in front of him he saw an elevated platform where nine people in Guardian robes sat. Five of them were men and the rest were woman. Next to them was another platform that was just a little lower than the first platform; at it a young man in green robes sat.

    Garigh walked up next to Noxx, “Those before you are the Assembly. They will have several questions to ask you. But I will be next to you.”

    “What do they have to do with this?” Noxx asked.

    “When a Chosen joins the Guardians…he must be approved by both the Grandmaster and the Assembly.” Garigh said while staring straight forward.

    “What?” Noxx asked in surprise.

    “Do not fret. Now, we should approach them.” Then Garigh and Noxx began to walk towards the platform where the Assembly sat. Edras sat down at one of the seats in front of the assembly.

    When they got close enough, an Asvorian woman, who sat at the middle of the Assembly said, “Grandmaster Garigh, are you and Mr. Noxx Bastion prepared now?” she was an older Asvorian woman and she had many wrinkles around her eyes and mouth. Her hair was a white cascade down her shoulders. She wore a light blue cloak, red robes and white pants under her robes. She looked very much like a grandmother, Noxx thought.

    Garigh nodded, “Yes, Elder Johnan. We are prepared to begin now.”

    Noxx looked at the men and women on the Assembly and most looked at him with thoughtful stares, but one, a Ragnorian man with golden hair and blue skin glared at Noxx, his eyes were the color of copper and his cloak, robes and pants were all the same deep red. He had his arms crossed. He continued to glare at Noxx until Noxx looked away.

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