True Path and The Path Aligns

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True Path

    Inside, Edras had fallen and was barely holding Azdor off. Azdor was hitting Edras’ blade with stronger and stronger blows. Finally, he knocked Edras’ blade out of his hand, it flew into the side of Garigh’s desk.

    Azdor smiled down at Edras, “A valiant effort but it ends…” Azdor’s eyes suddenly went wide and he whispered, “No…it-it’s not possible!” He turned to Issokan, “We must retreat!”

    Issokan nodded and then he and Azdor disappeared. Noxx ran into the room and stabbed at where Issokan had been, but he found only thin air. Garigh and Johnan could move again and Johnan ran into the room. They all looked at Noxx for a moment; they could all feel the new powers he had.

    “What is going on, Garigh?” Johnan said.

    Garigh shook his head, “I do not know.”

    Noxx went over to help Edras up, and then he said, “I know what’s going on. This was a True Path, a Pather, plot.” Noxx said as he helped Edras over to one of the seats in the circle, “They wanted to kill you and take over. And in doing that they were going to frame me.”

    Johnan shook her head, “I knew that Azdor was difficult, but a traitor?”

    Noxx shook his head, “That’s not all. That idiot Garund took Adara somewhere! She’s gone!”

    Garigh and Johnan exchanged glances, and then Garigh said, “How do you know all this?”

    Noxx shrugged, “I read Garund’s mind.”

    “What? How did you do that?” Johnan asked, surprised.

    “I put my hand on the back of his head and…” Noxx stopped when he saw the looks they were all giving him, “…What?”

    “That is an Elder power…” Garigh said, his eyes wide and his mouth open slightly.

    “It’s not possible…” Johnan said.

    “It doesn’t matter!” Noxx yelled, “What about Adara? Someone has her and I don’t know where she is! Who cares about these powers?”

    Garigh shook his head, “I am sorry, Noxx, you are right. We have to find her immediately. Did Garund have any other information?”

    “No…all I know is he gave her some kind of cylinder with a red button on it. When she touched it…it took her away.” Noxx said, concern straining his voice.

    Johnan sighed, “A micronic teleportation device…they used that so we would not be able to trace the trail. We will have to find another way.”

    Garigh pulled Edras’ sword out of the desk and then walked over to Edras, “Before anything else…I want to thank both of you. Without your help, both I and Elder Johnan would be dead. Edras, I give you the rank of Judicator. Do you think that Noxx is ready to become an Advocate?”

    Edras nodded and took his sword, “It was nothing, Father…I mean Elder Garigh. Yes I do think Noxx is ready.”

    “Very well, Noxx I give you the rank of Advocate, congratulations!” Garigh smiled.

    Noxx halfway smiled, but he was too worried about Adara to care about rank.

    Garigh noticed this and put his hand on Noxx’s shoulder, “We will find her…” Garigh said, “I will exhaust all avenues until we do.” Garigh turned to Johnan, “Announce that all followers of the so-called ‘True Path’ are now considered to be traitors to the Order for their attempted assassination and defamation.”

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