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    The forest where Rychid had defeated Noxx was silent again; the panic from the earlier explosion and flash of light was gone. The animals were beginning to calm back down and go back into their normal habits. Everything ignored the crater. It was as still as a tomb, which was what it had become. Suddenly, there was movement at the bottom of the crater. Something under the dirt began to move it. It came closer and closer to the surface until it popped out; a green headed tiny lizard with a red crest of scales on its head came out of the dirt and scurried away. Behind it, the lizard left a tiny hole.

    He was suddenly aware again. He opened his eyes and all he saw was darkness. His first thought was that he was dead. But then his mind was filled with the face of a woman, her hair was golden brown and curly, her lips were shaped like a heart, and she had light blue eyes. But who was she? He was not sure.

    His mind seemed broken and he was not sure what had happened. He tried to move and he was racked with pain. He tried to scream, but no sound came from him. He felt death embracing him, but he could not let it. The face! He had to live for her! But who was she? It did not matter! He had to live! His shattered eyes could barely make out a faint shaft of pale light. He reached up a shattered arm and a broken hand. He had to live! Adara! Adara! The name broke into his blown apart mind and then he knew! He would live!

    A hand suddenly appeared and frantically dug at the hole that the lizard had left behind trying desperately to make it bigger. Another hand joined the first and both dug. They finally made the hole big enough and a bloodied and burnt head emerged followed by a body. He dragged himself out of the bottom of the crater and just laid there trying to get enough breath in. His clothing was ripped, torn, and burnt. Blood covered him from head to toe. His body was broken, every bone was shattered and he was sure that his skull was cracked in several places. He groaned as he felt his body begin to heal. He had only needed air. He screamed and a tree full of white feathered birds with pink beaks took off as one in fright. It was hurting nearly as bad to heal as it had to get hurt. He clenched his teeth as he felt his bones and tendons mend back together. He felt a cracking sound as his skull began to knit back together.

    After an hour, his whole body had healed itself and he watched in amazement as his Guardian garb began to fix itself. After only a few minutes, the clothes were back to normal. He then felt oddly clean, he was unsure of how the Sualill cleaned the wearer’s body without the wearer really knowing it, but it did and he was glad of it. He then stood up and actually felt a little stronger. He realized his sword was not in his hand, he thought he had sheathed it. He put his hand out and it broke through the dirt and came to him. He grabbed it and was glad to have it in his hand again. He watched as black flames covered the blade and smiled. He sheathed his Kainan blade and then he heard the most unexpected thing; another voice.

    “Who are you and what are you doing in my forest!” The voice yelled. He could tell it was a man’s voice, it was deep and did not sound pleased.

    Noxx turned and saw the man. He stood at the top of the crater dressed in tattered clothes that had been patched so many times that it looked like it was made entirely of differently colored patches. His cloak was the only new thing he wore; it was made of white fur that had streaks of red and gray in it. His boots were made of thick black leather. He carried a long, sharp sword made of dark blue steel that had a black hilt and a silver hand guard that curved upwards menacingly. He had long black hair and fierce brown eyes. His beard was as black as his hair and it was fairly long. What was most surprising about him, however, was the dark blue aura that surrounded him.

    “Tell me boy, who are you? How could you have healed from that? I saw…I saw you heal and nobody but a Kodran heals like that! Tell me who and what you are!” The man yelled.

The Guardian Chronicles: The Shadow AllianceWhere stories live. Discover now