The Bad Boys Club (Chapter 1)

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Jill walked down the green, disgusting hallways of her school. Who the fuck picks green when painting school walls anyway? It smelt of underarm odor and dying motivation. She sighed as she made her way to her locker. She dropped her bag on the floor, letting it collect whatever dust it could while she tried to unlock her locker. She dialed it in wrong three times but could you blame her it was the first day and it was indeed another tedious monday. She had to laugh at herself though because even though she was a senior she still made the same embarrassing mistakes the freshman's made.

She finally opened her locker and put some of her books in. The first day of school was always a waste, they did nothing but get lectured by every teacher. She just had to get through one more year and she was out of here. She was taken out of her thoughts as something or should she say someone rustled under her.

She looked down to see no other then Zayn Malik opening his locker which was sadly, right under hers. She took a deep breath trying to suppress her eye rolling but she rolled her eyes anyway, just to make up for the future misfortunes that would spill out of his mouth.  

"Zayn, could you possibly wait a minute? I'm almost done." 

He looked up and smiled, his teeth seemed whiter this year and he had a new ear piercing, one of the ones that were at the top of your ear and fifty percent of people who got them got an infection, but of course not  Zayn, not perfect Zayn.

"Hey sexy! It's our last year together, are you going to give me and the boys a chance this year?'" 

Jill  rolled her eyes again as he stood closing the gap between her locker and his chest. He fixed his hair unconsciously as he looked at her with curiosity swimming in his eyes.

"Not a chance in all of hell Zayn. Speaking of them, where is the rest of your little group?" 

He shrugged smiling at her for a good minute of absolute awkward before slowly going back down and picking up his books, loudly closing his locker. Jill went to continue putting her books away as he slammed her locker shut drawing a small crowd. He smiled leaning closer to her ear.

 "See you later Jill." 

With that he left never looking back. His breathe smelt like mints, it always did. He could be eating fish and his breath would somehow still smell like he just brushed his teeth.  Jill watched him walk away confused as the crowd started drifting away and her best friend came up to her, always with an extra pep in her step. She probably stole Jills pep when they were younger because Jill seemed a little more bitter than the rest of the world.

"Jill I thought you said you would never go for one of them!" 

She rolled her eyes, sometimes Hannah was just a little extra ridiculous and Jill didn't know how they blended together so well but they did.  

"Hannah,  he did that to me on purpose just to piss me off, He knows i hate him and his little group." 

She nodded, leaning closer to Jill so only she could hear.

 "But you should have seen the smile on his face." 

Jill didnt even answer she still wonder how Hannah was in her grade she should have been held back simply because she lacks anything to do with common sense. She rambled off about her stupid annual family summer vacation to some island Jill couldn't remember the name of as she tried to open her locker yet again. She did and finally finished putting her new books inside and managed to miss everything Hannah was saying in the process. She turned around to tell Hannah that her vacation sounded lovely and exciting  but Hannah had left.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and she spun around Harry, Liam, Louis and Niall stood infront of her. They seemed to be eyeing her suspiciously, then looked down at Zayns locker.

The Bad Boys Club (UNDER HEAVY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now