37. Blue or Pink?

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"Shut up, you Moron!" I was so fucking embarrassed that if you would compare my face with a tomato right now, you won't be able to spot any difference. After a few minutes, he finally calmed down. "What were you saying earlier? About one more memory being added to the list?" I asked to change the topic.

"Oh right!" He started. "Tomorrow after the doctor's appointment we can go out shopping. To buy toys and clothes for the baby, and also to buy maternity wear for you. These clothes now seem tight on you."

"But don't you have office tomorrow?"

"Who cares? And also I have some perks of being the C.E.O. baby." He winked.

A huge grin appeared on my face.

I love this man so fucking much!


"Sir, do you have any prior appointment?"


"Your name?"

"Park Jimin. And this is my wife, Mrs. Park Y/n."

"Thank you for cooperating. Please wait for some time." The receptionist gave us a warm smile which kind of lifted my mood.

Today was our doctor's appointment to check whether our baby is perfectly fine or not. And not going to lie, I'm hella nervous. What if the baby is not healthy? Has some issues? Maybe underweight? Any complications? Maybe-

"Stop overthinking, baby." Jimin pulled me in his warm embrace. "Everything would be absolutely fine. Trust me."

I nodded in response. I know I'm just overthinking but I still can't help but worry. This is such a crucial time, what if something happens to my baby because of my little mistake?

"Mr. Park Jimin and Mrs. Park Y/n."

"That's us." Jimin stood up and offered me his hand. Without any hesitation, I accepted it and walked towards the doctor's room.

The nurse welcomed us inside with a sweet smile and asked me to take a seat at the reclining chair. "Doctor would be here in a minute." She smiled and walked out of the room, giving us some privacy.

My hands were visibly shaking, my forehead was wet due to heavy perspiration, and my breathing pattern was abnormally ragged.
This is definitely not my first appointment but, since the last few days I've been so reckless with my baby. I run around in the house, lift heavy objects, eat whatever I feel like eating...

"It'll be okay." Jimin took my hands in his and caressed it with utmost love that it instantly calmed me down a little. I swear, if Jimin wasn't here I would have genuinely had a panic attack by now.

"Good morning gorgeous, good morning Jimin"  Aunt greeted us with a beautiful smile plastered on her face.

"Morning, aunt." Jimin gave her a brief hug and stepped aside a little to give her some space near me but still he never left my hand.

"Morning aunt." I mumbled, still feeling a little dejected.

"What happened? All okay?" My not-so-good mood immediately caught her attention.

"I don't know.." was all I was able to mumble. She got a little scared, thinking something happened to the baby which I already knew about.

"Everything is fine till now, Aunt. She is just scared that what if something happened to the baby. You see, she has not been taking much care of herself for the last few days." Jimin answered from my side.

Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now