15. Hurt

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(After some days)

I can't believe that it's already been a month since we're married. In this one month a lot has happened and many things changed too. Earlier, Jimin used to hate me with all his heart but now... I still don't know what he feels for me but I am sure that it's at least not hatred.

Our office work load has also increased because of which we are not able to give much time to each other. And on top of that whenever I get a free time, Jimin forces me to write my book. I appreciate that he is trying his best to support my dreams and help me but... I want to rest and spend some time with him too! He is more important to me than my useless book!

Out of revenge, I decided not to show him my book before it's completed. He was completely against it but being a stubborn me, he wasn't able to win against me. *Wicked smirk*

Anyway, today is our three months anniversary and I have decided to make it special. I returned back from office much before time and cooked all the favourite dishes of Jimin. Everything is set for today. When he will come we will have dinner together, after that we will sit in our lawn under the roof of stars and over there we will watch a movie together. And at last, I will show him a video that I prepared myself. That video contains all our sweet moments together. Ahhhh! I can't wait to see his reaction after watching it. I just wish he return back home on time.


I quickly finished my work in the office because it was already quite late. My mood was off today because it's mine and Sara's one year anniversary. I mean it would be if we were still together. I know I am married to Y/n and no doubt she is a great lady, but still we cannot forget our first love that easily. I won't lie, but I still got some feelings for Sara.

To ease my mind a little, I decided to go to the bar before going back home. I thought of calling Y/n and telling her about it but the battery of my phone died and the stupid me also forgot to bring the charger.

"I will return back soon..." I muttered to myself and removed my blazer.

When we arrived there, I jumped out of the car and entered the bar as quickly as possible. I ordered a drink for me and sat down on the chair nearby.

Memories of me and Sara were playing in my mind continuously. I couldn't help but think about how it would be if we were still together. I let out an exasperated sigh. I was tired of all this... I will have to admit it now that I am married to Y/n and no matter what I will have to spend the rest of my life with her only. I will HAVE to forget Sara.

Bartender passed me my drink and I drank it all in a single gulp. "One more please." I asked. When I was waiting for the drink, my gaze automatically fell on the people who were dancing on the floor. I kept on staring at them envying that how much relaxed they all were looking when my gaze fell on a really familiar figure.

"Sara?" I whispered and automatically a smile crept up on my face. Though, I am married but talking to her would not harm right. I stood up and started walking towards her smiling like a child when I halted in my steps. I was shocked at the sight in front of me. Sara was on the dance floor... Dancing with a boy with arms around his neck... And.... A-another boy behind h-her and g-grinding on h-her...

It didn't seem to bother her at all, she was enjoying it. I felt my heart shatter into million pieces. The girl I loved with all my might is actually a slut. My mom was correct... Sara IS A SLUT.

My legs were trembling, I couldn't move at all... Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see the bartender standing with my drink in his hand. "Sir, your drink." He said.

I looked at the drink and then at him. "Make me something strong." I said. He went back and started making what I asked for. Somehow, I managed to walk back to my seat (with trembling legs and without falling). The bartender gave me my drink and I chugged it down in one go while staring at Sara's figure with those boys.

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