5. Shopping

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It has been three days since I last met Jimin. The marriage was going to be on Saturday. At the request of Mrs. Park, the marriage was planned to be held early. I think she was scared that I would change my decision. Jimin was going to pick me up for the shopping of our marriage. I was excited but nervous too. I didn't know what this day would bring me.

I sat in his black Mercedes-Benz on passenger's seat. For the whole ride, we didn't exchange any kind of words. He opened his mouth only once and that was also to ask me to hurry up as he had to attend some important meeting, later that day.

He parked his car in the parking. As expected, he didn't open the car door for me.

How disappointing...

We entered the mall. Then, we started walking towards the tuxedo's shop. Actually, he started 'walking', only if we consider it a walk. I was literally running after him. Around four times I almost tripped, considering the length of my heels and he didn't even bother to help me out or to at least walk slowly.

We finally entered the tuxedo shop.

"Wait for me here. I'll take hardly five to ten minutes to search. That's why, we came here first. Then you can take as much time you want for your dress, but of course not the whole day." He said and went inside.

I don't know, but I was feeling very uncomfortable with Jimin's calm behaviour. I mean, though he was not nice with me but still he was not acting like a jerk. His tone of speaking was not soft but not harsh as well. Mrs. Park must have said something to him.

Really, Jimin took only ten minutes. He bought his tuxedo and we left for bride's dress. On our way, I was not able to handle my curiosity any longer so I asked, "Jimin, are you alright today?"

"Why?" He looked at me confused.

"Strangely, you are not rude to me today. I thought you... You hated me." I hesitantly said.

"Well, yes I do hate you VERY MUCH." He blankly stated.
This broke my heart into pieces. I knew he hates me but still, listening directly from his mouth, hurts.

"But I am being nice to you because unfortunately I promised mom that I will be nice to you and will not be rude." He said.

"Oh..." Was all I could say.

We entered the shop for bride dresses. All the dresses were amazing. I wished to buy three to four dresses instead of one. I chose some dresses with the help of the staff girl present there.

She took me and Jimin to a private room, called VIP room which was a little far away from the shop. It was a large room. Inside that large room ,there were two sections. One section was for waiting and one for changing.

One by one, I tried many dresses. I showed all the dresses, which I tried, to Jimin but he didn't seem to be interested because all the time, either he would hum or just nod. Sometimes, he didn't even look at me.

Last dress was left. It was a long and flairy dress with a long zip at its back, which extended till my lower back.

I tried to zip up my dress but the zipper was very tight. The zip was not ready to move up. I decided to call one of the staff girl for help. "Excuse me!" I shouted, "Is anyone there?!"


I was lazily sitting on the couch and was playing games on my phone. Really, this girl was taking too much time to buy just a simple white gown. Suddenly, my phone rang. It was my secretary.

Unpredictable || pjm [JIMIN] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now